Chapter 56: lonely

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2 months later

It's been lonely and had trying to figure myself out the first couple of weeks that I left hogwarts. I take private lesson with teachers form hogwarts they come and give me an assignment and I they come back on Fridays to give me a lesson and so I can turn in my assignments. Draco writes me three letters every week I know it's probably hard on him having to go through this.

He tells me how he finally told his father he was dating me and that he would Not get with Astoria. He was surprised that his father was even more happy with him dating me he also explained to him how we are to be married after the war. He tells me how his days have been and how much he misses me.

I tell him about how it's been hard trying to recover form so much hurt and anger. I cried the first month of trying to get better. But I've managed to learn a bit about what makes me happy. Draco definitely makes me happy but I can't always rely on him to make me happy.

I've decided to take guitar lessons as a hobby it's one of the simple things that make me really happy. I learned I love to cook and bake and I like to watch the ocean. I've also been going to clubs and parties just to get loose. I've even tried smoking weed it's relaxing but I'm not going to make it a habit.

I've been refurbishing my home and redecorating. I've took three rooms and redecorated them for a baby . My house has twenty eight rooms so it's fine three rooms one hurt. I've went to the mortal worlds doctors for a checkup to make sure I'm even eligible to have a baby which I am. But I've also decided to erase my birth file in the mortal world and any information of existence about me. Since I know I won't be returning to the muggle world.


Harry has written to me about him and Ginny I always knew they were a perfect fit for each other. They are getting ready for war they created a plan where Draco pretends to work with that Voldemort guy so it makes it seem like Draco's still doing his task. The year is about to end and Dumbledore will die but in snapes hands. I feel bd for Harry he has a bin with Dumbledore that no one else has ever had they have and understanding for each other.

Meanwhile Fred and George's business has been doing really well their basically making bank. I don't know how much there making but I know it's a lot. Apparently George and Angelina have been dating and are planning to marry in a few years.

While writing a litter back to Harry I hear a ring at my doorbell and get up to answer it. It can't be the professors it's not even Friday yet and they've given me my assignments three days ago. I walk to open my door bored out of my mind from the assignments when I see Ella.

"What the actual fucking hell!" I yell she practically tackles me and is crying.

"Don't you ever fucking scare me like that again" she sobs. I pat her back comfortingly.

"I'm sorry El' it was stupid I know but that's why I had to leave hogwarts, I couldn't go through another and watch someone else die I think the deaths, anger, and hurt are finally taking a toll on me" I say smiling sadly. She nods vigorously wiping her tears away.

"You better get away from that, because I will literally revive you over again just so I can kill you again" she says looking at me with narrowed eyes with a serious look.

"Okaayy..." I look at her like she's weird and she laughs and pulls me into another hug.

"I've never seen your house before, it's so huge you've must got like forty different rooms"she exclaims while looking around.

"No actually just twenty-eight but close enough" I laugh. She nudges me rolling her eyes.

"Did you do some redecorating?" She asks seeing boxes laid out in one corner.

"Yeah a lot actually, I've also been redoing a few rooms for a baby" I smile looking happy.

"No way! Your pregnant I thought you looked different I mean yo-" I look at her astonished am I getting big?

"Do I look pregnant or something!?" I say worried. She looks me over and examines me.

"Well no not really to be honest I would have never knew you were pregnant your face is still slim and stunningly beautiful and your stomach isn't any bigger than when I last saw you" she says shrugging.

"Good because I'm not pregnant I just want to be prepared already" I say laughing and mentally letting out a relieved breath.

"But undo have some news for you" says says jumping up and down while sitting. I motion for her to continue.

"I'm pregnant and I'm early graduating from Beaubaxtons" she says holding her stomach and smiling happily.

"No fucking way!" I squeal. She nods happily.

"Since when?" I say looking at her stomach just now noticing the size difference.

"Since five months ago, the fathers name is Timothy Colton" she's says I can see she's in love just by her expression while she thinks about him. "We plan on getting married after the baby is born but we're going to a few months of course" she says.

"I better be it's god mother and it's aunty" I say feeling her stomach. "Of course you will be who else is going to teach her how to kick ass when she gets into hogwarts" she says I smile at her. I wonder If I can gift a baby since I'm turning into a god. They're not for sure when I'll turn into a god but what if I can change into one now? Well it's never to early to try.

"I think I can gift your baby but you might want to shied away actually hide" I tell her. I focus on becoming a god and changing into my godly form. I suddenly feel like I'm floating high up in the air. And next thing I know is when I open my eyes I'm in a very light sea blue dress and a sea jewel crown on my head.

"Oh my shit!" I say screaming happily. Ella coke up from behind the couch and opens her eyes. "Bloody fucking he'll your even more beautiful and flawless your literally glowing" she says staring at me.

"Damn this is so cool...oh right sorry as goddess of all water havoc and the oceans the next generation of the gods I gift Ella madriths child of extraordinary magic of the four senses" I touch her stomach and glow shoots form my hand Ella squirms a bit before she relaxes.

"I can't believe you gifted my child that's so cool" she exclaims. I laugh before snapping my fingers and focusing on my human form.

"So can you just switch it off and on whenever you please?" I nod. But sadly now I can't age even in my human form which I explain to her. Though I don't want to age now.

We talk for a few hours and we even make brownies together until she take she her leave.

"I'll see you soon" I say hugging her. She nods.

"Of course" she says.

I can't wait until me and Draco get married. Shit I forgot to tell her about me and Draco...oh well.

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