Chapter 48: Gaea strikes part 2

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I run and make my way to Draco who's tuning to me also and as soon as I'm at arms reach he pulls me into a hug. I look at him with tears in my eyes and I grab his face before kissing him.
"Draco I want you to know something from the day that I first met you I always knew that I was destined to be with you but I hadn't really realized it until this recent, you make me happy Draco. You make me smile. You me whole and most importantly you cured my black heart because of you I found love and I want you to know that I love you" I say crying and smiling sad tears.

I hope this isn't goodbye but these are the words I want him to hear if I do die. Someone is destined to die in this prophecy but not in mine. But who here is to say it can't happen because there dead campers all over the ground.

I turn around and join Percy's side along with Nico, annabeth, Jason, piper, frank, hazel, Leo and some other lady. They all slightly smile at me giving there secret goodbyes in case this is the end. "I have risen". Gaea.

I hear a yell and see something big emerging.
"I want to take back what is mine, while you halfbloods and your stupid parents have done nothing but shut away my creations and make us live like garbage" Gaea says with anger

"You will pay! Gods of Olympus, and here you leave your children to fight your battles" she says with disgust and laughs.

"Well let the war begin" she says and more monsters emerge and from behind her and she looks at me and Percy before striking at us'

Me and Percy dodge her attack and charge at her long with the others while the other campers and wizards and witches fight off monsters.

I summon waves and splash at her and summon water and land monsters from the sea to attack her. I slash my sword at her and and Continue fighting off monsters that get in the way. Leo and frank fight off another giant. While me and Percy fight Gaea.

"You will does Perseus Jackson and Vivian Diaz Alice" she says hissing our names.

"I am the great Gaea! I cannot be defeated I am one of the first rulers of the earth I hold more power than any god" she says.

"Join me Vivian together we could defeat the gods and get your mother back from underworld or die and join her that way your choice" she says

This strikes a nerve and I lose it why must they always bring up my mother! I think of all the live I have received I think of Draco and all my memories I've shared with him. I think of the future I want to create with him. And I let it fuel my power. I feel my eyes glow vibrantly and dangerously.

"But Gaea what you have forgotten is that I'm going to be the most powerful god of the earth I'm already turning" I slash some blood from my hand and watch as the red and gold blood mix and flow off my hand.

Her eyes seem to glow a little too and she charges at me trying to strike but I I simply mover and summon strength to take her down i let the love I feel flow into my power. And next thing I know 60 ft waves are making their way towards Gaea the ground is rumbling beneath her feat explosions are coming from different areas and Percy is slashing at Gaea. I jump into a wave and zoom to her and Percy joins me.

"Didn't you know? the bad guys always lose" I slash my sword into Gaea and pull out slash at her. I see the Argo ll and Leo and see he has something and next thing I know the Argo is being blown up with Leo and fire and Gaea is struck down.

I hear one last big explosion of water and fire mixing in and I've blacked out.


I'm laying in the infirmary at camp in a bed and see people around me with students from Hogwarts and campers all laying in beds but none of them look injured except a few. I turn my head to see Draco asleep on my arm next to me. I remember the war and I know I was no where close to reaching my power proximity. But it damn felt like it.

I can't believe it we defeated Gaea . I defeated Gaea. I didn't think I would be able to do it and of course I had loads of help but still. And the fact that Hogwarts came to fight a battle that wasn't theirs. I don't know how long I've been out but I need to find Chiron.

I slowly get out of bed trying not to wake Draco and I notice a glass of ambrosia. No doubt annabeth left it there because on the glass there's a Note that says 'don't forget to drink this sea girl brain'

I notice how thirsty I am and drink it all and head out I make sure to put the cup away. I walk out and see campers rebuilding destroyed cabins and cleaning up.

I run and see will talking with Nico.

"Hey!" I yell. They turn and their eyes widen and they run to me almost tackling me into a hug. "Oh my gods your awake"

"Huh?" They look at me like I'm crazy. "Of course I'm awake I've only been out for a couple to days" I say

"No Vivian, you've been out for almost two months now" he says with a bit of sorrow.

"Then what are my classmates doing here?" I ask confused and shocked that I've been out for almost two months.

"They needed to rest for awhile before getting back on their feet they do go through a war that has nothing to do with their kind" he says pointedly.

I look over behind them and see Draco running I've to us with worry and fright in his eyes as he makes his way shoving Nico and will. "Merlins beard your awake!" He says shocked. "Why didn't you wake me up"

"Thought you would want to sleep in more I. Say hugging him and burying my face into the crook of his neck. He smells likes mint and cologne and books. My favorite scent of his.

"I Missed you" he says into my ear before kissing me tenderly in the lips. "I know I missed yo too drac" I say pulling him into another kiss.

"Ahh you two cut it out there's other people here who want to keep their food in" Nico says who gets smacked in the arm by will.

"I told you drivana is a thing and leave them be you would get mad if someone did that to us" he says raising he eyes at Nico in amusement.

"Drivana? What's he taking about?" Draco says
Looking at me smirking with a confused look.

"He's made up this ship name" I sigh looking at he ground dramatically.

"Drivana...hmmm. You know what I like it gots a nice ring to it yeah?" He says grinning at me

"Oh shut it" I shove him lightly in the arm before laughing and pulling him into a longer kiss while cupping his cheeks. "I love you Draco Lucius Malfoy"

He's smiling so big it reaches his eyes and he pulls me into another long kick and bringing me close to by my hips. I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss by turning my head. "I love you more than you could ever know vi" he says in between kisses.

A/n: sad to say this book is coming to and end but that won't happen for another few chapters. Also on another note I've decided I am going to do a readerxdraco where in This story everything is told in mainly Draco's point of view but you'll be a big part in the story and have your own povs too.

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