'She is my smart, responsible and mature sister now, and I like her new version' Ved smiles

Aayan and Ved don't say anything for a while, when Aayan looks at him with a smirk

'You hated her kiddish behavior too, didn't you ?' Aayan hits Ved playfully on the shoulder and Ved laughs

'She was so annoying back then, I mean yeah, you are loved by everyone, but that doesn't mean you'll sit on my head and get things done...'

'Vansh should hear you right now...' Aayan comments

'He got scolded by Papa most of the time because of Annie, I know he didn't say anything, but I am sure he planned to abandon her on some island  alone...' Ved laughs

'Hey ! That's what I thought when she spoke to me on the phone for the very first time...' Aayan says excitedly and Ved chuckles

'Annie won't leave you Aayan, as I said you are a part of her now...' Ved smiles patting Aayan's shoulder

'I wish this too, but I don't think this will happen...' Aayan sighs


'Because I am getting a Deja vu like feeling right now, this exact thing happened 26 years ago... This was the same swing I was sitting on, thinking about what will happen with me now, while Mom and Paa fought inside and next day I remember Mom was gone, and my life changed forever...' Aayan says, tears filling his eyes

'The scenarios are totally different, Your parents didn't love each other, their marriage was as good as dead...' Ved argues

'And you think my marriage is blossoming currently, It's been more than a month since came back, Ananya doesn't even look at me...' Aayan says sadly

'Do you expect her to welcome you with flowers after what you did...?' Ved raised his brows

'Well no, but Atleast hit me, shout at me, lock me in the room, don't give me food... I'll be fine by any punishment she gives, she doesn't even want to punish me...' Aayan sighs and Ved didn't say anything at this

'Do you think I am toxic for her...?' Aayan asks after a while

'What made you think that...?' Ved raised his brow

'I mean I can be right ? since the time we met, all she did was cry, worry, get anxious and tolerate my atrocities, I mean when a girl marries, she expects happiness not challenges....'

'You gave her what you were capable of giving, When life gave you challenges and struggles, how can you give her happiness ? We give what we have, remember ?' Ved says and Aayan goes speechless at this

'That doesn't mean, I support what you did to her, you left when you wanted, you came back when you wished, this wasn't right, but one thing I know for sure, this hurt you more than it hurt her....'

'I don't deserve her Ved...' Aayan sighs

'Then who does....? Do you think anyone can love her the way you do ?' Ved asks

'But he can keep her happy...' Aayan argued

'How do you know ? What if Ananya has given this right only to you ? What if the only man who can hurt her AND heal her is you...? Think about it...' Ved argued back, Aayan thought for a while and then sighed

'Things can be opposite of this too bro'

'Maybe.. But that doesn't mean you give up... You promised that you will do everything in your might to win her back...' Ved says

'She is not a trophy Ved, she's a woman, A woman with a voice of her own, I cannot win her, she has to accept me in her life by her own will and not by force...' Aayan replied calmly and Ved had no answer time

I Will Never Be YoursNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ