Chapter Twenty-Two- Somewhere Between

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We made it to Hilltop. I made Judith my first priority. The entire group was against Dwight, even when they shouldn't have been. I carried Judith the entire time. We took short ten minute breaks as often as we could. I sat down with Judith while we figured out a direction to go.

"Hi, princess." I smiled and bounced her on my knee. "Lets put you on my stomach." I smiled and took off Daryl's button up. I had only a sports bra underneath but, if we were going through the swamps like they talked about this would be smartest.

"Y/n, let me help with that." Tobin came up and helped me get Judith firmly on me, he tied the back together tightly so I wouldn't have to worry about it. "There we go."

"Thank you, Tobin. When we get to the Hilltop, I'm going to find somewhere to put her down for a nap. Hopefully, I'll get one too." I smiled and bounced her a bit. I chuckled as Tobin tightened it one more time. Tara and Dwight has taken off somewhere while Daryl, Saddiq, and Rosita cleared the Swamps for us.  The rest of us were just watching each other, resting as much as possible and doing what we can to get by. Judith was passed out wither her head on my chest and I was almost there. Tara and Rosita came jogging back both huffing. Soon came Daryl pissed off at the news of Dwight back with the Saviors.

"I told you to wait! For all we know he could be tellin' them everything! Negan could be on his way here right now!" Daryl screamed at Tara. I tried calming him down but, as I figured, he didn't.

"He isn't. He won't. He led them away. They were coming right for us and he saved us." Tara tried to explain that to Daryl, but the simple truth was that Daryl wasn't going to listen.

"She's right. He did. I saw it." Rosita was calm. I looked at Rosita then Tara. I swallowed and nodded.

"I don't give a damn what he did. He can stick with them, he can come back- hell he can run. When I find that son of a bitch, I'm gonna-" Daryl realized Judith had woken up and I was rocking her. I didn't say a word, I didn't have to. I looked up at him, he shook his head and threw his free arm up. "C'mon." Daryl signaled us to follow him. We made our way through the swamps to the Hilltop. Daryl ended up with Judith once he realized how I made the sling she was in. I'd done my best to keep her dress white and shoes clean. When we showed up to the Hilltop we'd explained everything. Enid listened as we explained that Carl died. She sobbed, fell to the ground. Liam had heard as well. He was more pissed off than anything. I pulled Liam into a tight hug before taking a good look at him. The worst he had it was a few scratches here and there. I smiled as I took in the look of my son. He was heart broken. Lost. Hurt. There was a 'pen' of Saviors who'd surrendered, I didn't think it was real until it was. We were given food and places to sleep. I'd taken Judith to Maggie's office where there was a crib with another girl in it. She passed out and I took a seat on the couch to think.

"How do we win?" I whispered as I rubbed my forehead. I shook off all the parks of me that doubted us, our ability. I checked on Judith one more time before leaving the room.


I hugged my knees as I looked at the Prisoners Go about their day in the Pen. They talked, laughed, smiled, ect. Something didn't feel right. My ears were ringing and my head was pounding. My thoughts ran loose.

I smiled shyly at Glenn. He'd been nothing, but nice to me since I ended up here. For some damn reason I still can't talk to him. I'm barely talking in general. I sat down at the table and held my fingers together waiting for Daryl.

"Where'd you come from? Not Georgia, unless you have some kind of accent I don't know about." Glenn smiled and looked down. He shrugged. "Doesn't matter anymore."

"It does though." I blurted out my thoughts. It shocked me just as much as it did Glenn.

"You- you just spoke?" Glenn smiled and I did too. It made me chuckle a bit knowing I could.

Daryl Dixon x reader (TWD fanfic) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα