Chapter Thirteen- Theift

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My new house is gorgeous. It's white. Paintings that perfectly fit my kind of style. I have a new notebook. God knows where the last one went. This house, oh it's beautiful. Daryl told me he'd come back early today, just so him and I could go out on a walk. He knew I was going mad staying in here. Being locked up has never been my style, and he knows it.

I finished writing and set my new notebook into the drawer. I climbed out of bed and groaned as I looked for something to wear. All I was wearing was underwear. I heard knocking at the door and wrapped a blanket around myself.

"Yes?" I hugged it tight and reached for the door. Waiting for a reply before I opened it.

"Y/n? It's Michonne. Get your ass out here." Michonne laughed on the other side of the door and I quickly pulled on some jeans and the first shirt I found. It was a dark blue button up and when I pulled it on I realized it wasn't mine. I shrugged and tied it into a knot and tucked the knot into my jeans. When I went out Michonne laughed at how big the shirt was on me. "You almost Look as funny as that time-"

"Do not even start. It's not like you caught us making a sex tape. You caught us fucking in the shower. You'll do it with someone one day two." I grinned and walked past her as I rolled up my sleeves. I looked at the note on the counter as I walked past. "Liam is with- okay, perfect."

"Who's Liam with?" Michonne looked at the letter. "Jessie and Sam. They're nice."

"Yes, what's up officer?" I chuckled at the comment and looked for the instant coffee. I pulled it down. "Want some?"

"We're not going to have time. We need to talk." Michonne looked at me seriously.

"What about? Is there an issue? Shit, did. I break a law? Park on the wrong side of the road?" I chuckled a bit and Michonne did as well. She shook her head and sighed.

"Liam- he- I watched him sneak into the pantry. Come out with something. Brought it back to Sam. I think he's doing something he shouldn't be." Michonne looked down and then back up.

"Okay, I'll- I'll handle it. Michonne. I'm sorry." I ran a hand through my hair and took a deep breath. I felt a panic attack coming on. "I'm sorry, I need you to go. It's not you, I'll talk to Daryl. Thank you for letting me know Michonne." I turned on my heel and walked right up the stairs into my bedroom. I let the room fade black and my chest heave. I was afraid, panicked, angry. I tried keeping a level head while I ran through the corse of it but, I couldn't. I could smell the scent of walker around me. I could hear the
groaning, the screaming of the person being devoured in front of me. I didn't look at the person, I just kept pretending to eat the guts like it was nothing. I felt two hands take mine, when I looked at them they seemed so familiar. I tried to find a face, I knew where it was but, I couldn't see it. I closed my eyes tight. When I opened them I saw Daryl. Holding  my hands looking at me with love and worry. No words. Nothing. He just held my hands and waited for me.

"Better?" His tone was quiet and loud all at once. I slowly looked around to see our bedroom.

"Yeah." My voice was broken. It didn't feel right when I said it, I knew I didn't even believe myself.

"Do you need some sleep?" Daryl moves himself more comfortably on the bed. I shook my head and let go of one of his hands to fix my hair. "C'mere."

"Okay." Daryl pulled me into a tight hug as I responded. I rubbed my nose into his neck with dry tears on my cheeks.


Daryl and I went on our walk. He let me try to use his crossbow which ended up with me on my ass. Apparently, loading a crossbow is harder than it looks. I got to kill some walkers which happened to be a nice refresher to being locked up in Alexandria. It was very needed, more than I anticipated. As we walked back to Alexandria Daryl was being all serious like there was something he wasn't telling me.

"Are you sure you want to be here?" Daryl swung my hand up and then back down.

"Of course, I do. Liam needs this, it's safe. He has friends. He's going to grow up somewhere safe. With me helping with guard I can ensure that." I smiled and slowed down. "Is there something wrong? Did you find a dead body in the house?"

"No, I just want to make sure that this is what you want." Daryl pulled me along and we started walking again. I nodded and sighed.

"I think, if we really want this place and it does go south. We could take it. I know we are strong enough. We only need the armory, we hold the guns we hold the entire place." I nodded as I thought out loud. Shaking my head I walked faster. Daryl caught up to me and stopped me.

"Are you thinking that way because you think things will go south? Or because you are actually unsure?" Daryl looked at me and I shook my head again. "Y/n."

"They're going to go south eventually, everything does. You can't deny that. Don't tell me that they won't either." I pushed past Daryl and jogged up to the fence. Spencer let us in and I walked right to the house. "Spencer, I'm going to hold onto this until I go to the pantry tomorrow. Alright?"

"Alright. Be safe!" Spencer called back before turning to Daryl. I jogged to my house and sighed as I opened the door and laid the gun down on my he boomerang then continued to the kitchen. Daryl came in not long after me and shut the door behind me with a slam. He was clearly upset.

"Y/n!" Daryl called as he walked to the living room. He turned into the kitchen and saw me. "I can deny that. Not everything goes south."

"How can you say that? Look around you Daryl! Even the world went to shit! How many years were we promised it wouldn't?" I raised my voice back. I was upset. He was upset.

"Do you think that about Liam? That he's going to grow up and one day he'll stop because he'll be trapped in a herd walking towards him? Maybe even someone killing him because they can, because they want what he has!" Daryl yelled right back. I through my hands up and groaned.

"God, no! Daryl why the hell would I think that?" I ran a hand through my hair and leaned forward on the counter.

"You said yourself, everything goes south." Daryl was at the brim of tears. I looked at him confused. "Do expect us to go south? Do you expect us to break up?"

"Daryl." I stood up straight and stepped towards him.

"Answer the question!" Daryl yelled, I flinched and stepped away. He realized that I'd panicked and he stepped forward. "Shit, I'm sorry."

"No, I don't. I just know that, ev- everyone dies. I expect to die. That's what I expect. So, seeing you everyday is like waking up to the last good thing." I let my chest rise and fall with the room. I felt the pressure building up inside do the room. I was trying my hardest to stay calm.

"If you think for a second I'm going to willingly leave you, you're mistaken. I'll be here until we are gray and old." Daryl walker up and cupped my cheeks. I stepped back into the fridge. Daryl stepped with me and held my back to it. "I'm going to marry you. You're going to have my children."

"I want nothing more." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands dropped to my lower back. He hugged me tight and bent down a bit, lifting me up into the air by putting his hands under my ass to carry me. I smiled bright and laughed holding onto his neck.


Liam came home later that night and I waited on the couch for him. He was all excited to be home. I sat tapping my foot.

"Momma Y/n!" Liam yelled as he ran into the living room and saw me looking at my hands. "What's wrong?"

"Anything you need to tell me?" I looked up at Liam with a straight face.

"No, did I do something wrong?" Liam looked at his hands and I sighed.

"Someone told me they saw you sneaking into and then out. Care to tell me why?" I held eye contact with Liam. His eyes watered and I kept a stern look.

"Sam asked me to get him two chocolate bars, he said that I had to. Please don't tell Ms. Jessie! Sam said not to tell!" Liam was completely crying. I sighed.

"Go to bed, we'll discuss your punishment tomorrow." I sighed and sent Liam off to bed.

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