Chapter Two- Silence is my home

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Day 1 of the rest of my life.

He's been stuck in my head since yesterday, I don't get why. Daryl. Redneck country boy, no class, nothing to offer me, he isn't anything alluring. He's attractive, the rough voice, the not too long of hair... I can imagine him smiling and I think that's why he's attractive. Maybe he just reminds me too much of Leah. She spent all day everyday protecting everyone with her stupid bossy tone. It's true, I miss her. My annoying big sister, the last person I have spoken to with my voice. That is somehow absent. I think that confuses me the most. I used to talk for a living, I talked about everything. I loved it. I do love it. I guess I took up writing as a way to speak without speaking. I think the way we live now, silence is the only way we get though. I'd love to be silent with Daryl... no. No, no, no, no. Stop. Silent with him? What am I crazy! - probably.

I walked through the woods, I kept myself silent. I could avoid grabbers like no ones business. I used my surroundings to my advantages. I learned one thing that kept me going. If you smell like one, they won't attack you. So, naturally, I would smear just enough of them on me so I could walk with them. Sometimes I could lead them, but honestly it was harder than it looked. Keeping my cool was one of the hard parts, along with sneaking off away from the herd or grabbing few. I found small towns, groups. It depended on the day. Each day I lived vicariously through other groups while watching them fall apart at the seams. No one, not even the strongest men, could keep themselves together during this.

About Six months later

Day 194 (exactly)

A fucking prison. I should leave. I know I should. I watched them clear it, I watched him clear it. I think every ounce in my body wants to hear his stupid voice again. I can't believe I just let him go. For a fact, he hasn't spotted me. No one has. I just watch as the group goes about their day, with no hitches. I can't get close enough to listen, the only way I could is if I pretended like I needed something. Then again I am barely talking again. One hundred and ninety four days of examining the group. I know the prisons outside my heart. There's a huge explosion in the back, I'm not sure why but... if I'm going to get in that's the way.

I sat my a tree in the shadows of the trees watching one of the group pace in the lookout tower. I always laughed at her. She's jumpy, determined, and badass all in one. Sometimes she would hold a sniper out the window and look around at everything, I'd swear she was looking right at me but, nothing. At night I could sneak in, get the closest. I could go slightly into the yard, but if I got to close they'd spot me. I looked down at my notebook and did what now is a habit. Read my journal out loud. I want to speak.

"A, fucking prison." I smiled. I've been trying to force myself to speak for the last six months. Words come easy to my head and hand, just not my mouth. I read the entire entry, it was a success. I didn't pause, hesitate, or sound out any words. "Now, lets go find our way in." I smiled and looked up. The sniper was no longer in the window so I made my chance. I stood up and walked around the prison, the opposite side. I saw the large explosion and I sighed. I looked at it. The way each brick laid on its side, I knew, that once I got in. He'd see me, I'd see him. Suddenly screaming came from behind me. I turned around and saw a group of people running towards me.

"Help!" A man with dark hair and skin yelled at me while he carried a shovel. There was two women, one was bit, I widened my eyes and stumbled at my words.

"Help us please!" The woman who ran next to the man ushered the entire group towards the prison. I lifted my gun when I saw at least eight walkers chasing them. I fired shots and then nodded to everyone for them to follow me, they did. We ran through and I saw the boy, Carl. I stopped and looked at him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me ahead. I stumbled but, I got on the move.

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