Chapter Eleven- Picking Flowers

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That night everyone sat in the church drinking and eating the food Rick and the group he left with brought back. Everyone was calm and collected. The night was beautiful. Even the baby was in a good mood. We all were laughing and having a good time. Daryl has his arm over my shoulders with me tucked neatly into his side. Liam was sitting with Tyrese. He idolized that man and I sure as hell wasn't going to stop him.

"I'd like to propose a toast. I look around this room and I see survivors. Each and everyone of you has earned that tittle. To the survivors!" Abraham cheered us on and we all called out 'survivors' while raising our glasses. "Is that all you wanna be? Wake up in the morning, fight the undead pricks, forge for food, go to sleep at night with two eyes open, rinse and repeat? You can do that, I mean you've got the strength, and the skill. Thing is, for you people, for what you can do, that's just surrender. Now we get Eugene to Washington and he will make the dead die and the living will have this world again. That is not a bad takeaway for a little road trip. Eugene what's in DC?"

"Infrastructure constructed to withstand pandemics even of this fubar magnitude. That means food, fuel, refuge. Restart." Even though I barely understood what Eugene said, it sounded promising.

"However this plays out, however long it takes for the reset button to kick in, you can be safe there. Safer than you've been since the whole thing started. Come with us. Save the world for that little one. Save it for yourselves. Save it for the people out there who don't got nothing left to do except survive." Abraham concluded his little speech. I looked up at Daryl and he nodded. A smile spread across my face and I tucked into him more. I heard Judith coo. Rick said something. Before looking over and speaking loud enough for everyone to hear.

"We're in." Rick said with a happy tone. We all cheered.

"Let's do it!" Glenn cheered and I laughed. Liam stood up and ran over to me and Daryl. He sat down right on top of us both causing everyone to laugh some more. Liam was smiling and happy.

"You ready for a road trip little man?" Daryl moves Liam right into his lap. I smiled at the fatherly instinct.

"Yes!" Liam cheered and we all started to scatter. I smiled at my boyfriend and kind-of-son.

"Well, kiddo. It's bedtime. Tomorrow we are going to wake up bright and early. Help Mr. Abraham work on the bus. Right?" I poked Liam's nose and he laughed. His bright brown eyes were pure with happiness.

"Right. Let's go!" Liam was full of energy. When he stood up both Daryl and I followed. Liam wanted to sleep in the art room, so if he woke up he could colour. He never woke up early.


We put Liam to sleep and then came back out into the main area. Daryl wanted us to be closer to the door out in the main hall. It was his way of telling me I'd be sleeping next to him and nowhere else. Daryl said he'd be back, he left and I waited for him. I'd discovered. Carol and Bob were gone too. We were all on edge. Sasha was lashing out on everyone in her path. Gabe especially. We'd all finally settled down a bit when Glenn saw something outside.

"There's a body. There's a body laying on the ground!" Glenn yelled as he opened the curtains. We all got up and rushed outside. It was Bob.

"His leg." Sasha stumbled at the sight of Bob's missing leg. I covered my mouth and looked away. It broke my heart to see. We dragged him inside in panic. Walkers were surrounding the church we hurried inside and brought Bob to the floor in the front of the church.

"Then people knocked me out, I woke up outside this place- it looked like a school- there was our guy, Gareth. Five other ones too, they were eating my leg right in front of me. Like it was nothing. All proud like they had it all figured out." Bob was distressed, one leg and half another. We tried to calm him down but, it was no use.

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