Chapter 65: The End?

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"Pete, where are you?"

I stood on the bridge as I looked around for the familiar blue and red hero.

"Sof, what are you-"

"Just answer the question, Peter! We don't have time for messing around!"

There were a few grunts of pain on the other end.

"I'm in-"



Beck's voice on the other end was enough to give away their location. There were still some stragglers in terms of drones that had to be taken care of. I used my magic to conjure up ball of electricity that would cause a short circuit. Once the first one fell from the sky the others were headed straight for me.

"Damn it."

I began to run in the opposite direction, thinking it was best to lead them away from Beck and Peter. I dodged their bullets as I ran across the bridge in zigzags, avoiding all the debris and cars. Once I felt I was enough ahead, I stopped. Turned. And waited as roughly ten drones came rushing towards me.


Without further a do, the drones were set a light, melting down to nothing. I looked up to where Peter and Beck were, above the bridge. Without hesitation, I opened a portal once again. I walked through to see Beck sitting limply on the ground beside me.

"Hey, Peter, I-"

Peter grabbed something to his right. A 'BANG!' echoed through the air as he turned his head, the Quentin he'd been talking to vanished. The real Quentin dropped his gun, lightly spasming.

"You can't trick me anymore."

Peter grabbed the glasses off of Beck's head while he fell to the ground.

"EDITH, turn off the drones."

"Do it. Execute them all."

As everything was happening in front of me, I started to feel drowsy, my eyes desperately trying to shut. All of a sudden I had felt extremely cold. I held my hand up in front of me, palm facing my face. My eyes blurred in and out of focus as I stared at the rouge colour tinting my natural skin tone.


He looked over at me as I faced my palm towards him, telling him enough to know that I wasn't okay. I stumbled back, losing my footing on the edge of a hole made in the wall and soon enough I falling. I could hear Peter screaming my name from above the bridge. It was like time had slowed down, everything was in slow motion. In those few moments, I felt nothing; completely numb. It was silent; peaceful. That was until my body hit the water. I dozed in and out of consciousness as my body sank deeper and deeper. The water filled my lungs, causing them to burn as they longed for oxygen.
Until I stopped breathing.


My eyes flickered open and closed as I regained slight consciousness, not really understanding how. But when I looked up to see Peter's wet hair match the wetness of his eyes, I understood.


His teary eyes met mine as he held me closer to him.

"You're gonna be okay, Sof. There's- there's an ambulance on the way."

I gave him a weak smile as tears of my own began to form. My eyes flickered down to the piece of cloth he had pressed against the wound, knowing that time was running out.

"Just stay with me, okay? Just-please-just stay with me."

He pushed a strand of hair off my face as I lay looking up at him, wishing that he didn't have to go through this once again. His stained hand rested on my cheek as a tear ran down it.

"I'm.....sorry." I chocked.

"Hey, no, Sof. You're gonna be alright, I promise. Just keep talking, yeah?"

I could tell he was getting more and more nervous with every minute that passed, both of us knowing it was only a minute closer to something inevitable.

"Do you remember that night when- when you took my watch so I could build the Lego Death Star with Ned?-"

He sniffled.

"-I was walking between the buildings on a web, trying to show off, of course-"

He chucked softly at the memory.

"-I remember you watching me as I did and I remember the look on your face when I asked you to join me and give it go-"

Peter ran his fingers along my hair softly, as if he was savouring it.

"-I remember the look of terror on you're face as you took my hand and stepped out over the edge. I remember the look of magic in your eyes as you balanced on your own. I remember how scared you were of falling-"

He paused for a second.

"-I remember how it felt when I held you in my arms, the feeling of knowing you were safe there...with me-"

His hand cupped my cheek as he continued.

"I didn't know it then and I only realised it now-"

His eyes never once looked away from mine.

"That, that night, as we stood there on that thin piece of web, between two buildings as the sun set-"

A tear slid down his cheek.

"-That was the night I realised that I loved you-"

I couldn't stop the tears the vigorously travelled down my cheeks, a sadness taking over my body, an emotional pain that hurt more than the physical.

"-Those feelings never left. I loved you then and I- I still love you now."

My eyes closed shut as the tears continued to fall, the sight of seeing Peter like this just shattering my heart into a million pieces.

"I can't lose you too,.....Sof."

I brought my shaky hand up to his, weakly, intertwining out fingers. I could taste the blood on my lips as the life was quickly leaving my body. My eyes locked with his brown ones, neither one of us willing to break it.


I said through laboured breaths. I gave him a weak smile right before a fit of coughing took over and I knew this was it. The sound of an ambulance siren filled my ears as we stayed there.
If I was going to die, at least it was in the arms of the boy I loved.

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