Chapter 30: Happiness.

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Not much had happened after the events dealing with the Vulture. The Allen family had left town, something about him not wanting his family there during the trial, I would have done the same. Homecoming was ruined for Peter, Ned and myself. I had loved my dress and only wished that I could have gotten the full experience, the dress, the dancing, the date. Unfortunately it's our job to keep everyone safe and sacrifices had to be made.

It was three months since Liz had left and I was walking down the hallway with MJ, the usual routine at this point. We met up with Ned in the canteen, Peter nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, Ned."

The boy smiled at us as I sat down, MJ saying she had to go sort something out with a teacher. We engaged in small conversation as I looked around the canteen, noticing that Liz Allen was definitely a person you noticed missing from the student body.

"It's sad what happened to Liz."

"Yeah, pity."

He paused for a minute before smirking at me.

"But oh well, she was just a distraction for Peter anyways."

I shot a glare at the boy, furrowing my eyebrows at him.

"That actually makes sense, to be honest."

Ned's eyes widened at my statement.

"It does?"

"Yeah. At Homecoming, Pete said something to Liz before he ran off after the Vulture-"

Ned was on the edge of his seat.

"What did he say?!"

I looked at the boy questionably.

"He told her 'you aren't her'. What's that suppose to mean? That he never liked Liz to begin with?"

A smile grew onto Ned's face as he comprehended my words.

"What's got you so happy?"

"Do you remember what I said to you at Liz's party?"

I furrowed my brows.

"The one from months ago? The one where Pete called me a jealous bitch?"

I chuckled at the last part, making a joke out of the situation.

"Yeah! That one."

I thought for a moment before answering.

"Other than you trying to stick up for Pete, then no. Well, I know you said something as I was leaving but I can't remember what."

"That wasn't the only hint."

"Only hint at what?"

He shook his head at me, chuckling to himself.

"You really are oblivious aren't you?"

"Oblivious to what, Ned?!"

I was so confused as to what Ned was trying to tell me, finding it hard to decode his cryptic message. He just laughed at my reaction as Peter came to sit with us, addressing my confused reaction.

"Hey, what did I miss?"

I scooted over to let him sit down, never taking my eyes off of Ned.

"Ned is giving me a cryptic message that I have no idea how to decode."

Peter then wore a confused look too.

"Cryptic message in relation to what?"

"In relation to Liz Allen being a distraction."

Hang In There// P.P.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora