Chapter 31: Party, Drink, Dance.

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Was I going to have a mental breakdown over finding an outfit? Absolutely. It took me ages to finally decide on the denim shorts and yellow bodysuit. It was casual but dressed up at the same time. I had just finished brushing my hair when there was a knock on the door. '20:00'. I grabbed my phone and opened the door to reveal Peter Parker.

"Since when is Peter Parker ever on time?" I joked, referring to the many times he showed up late.

"Since I know that you'll kill me if I ain't."

I rolled my eyes at him as I turned off the lights and locked the door.
Next stop: Thompson's

We walked up to the mansion as swarms of teenagers gathered around the door, waiting to get in as quick as possible.

" You do know Flash doesn't live here, right?"

Peter gave me a sideways glance.

"He doesn't?"

"Nah, he lives in a caravan park down the street. This is Jeff Hunt's gaf, he doesn't go to our school so it's the perfect deception."

"How do you know all this?"

I chuckled

"I know a lot of things, Peter Parker."

I grabbed his hand, pulling him up to the front door where we met Ned and MJ.

"Sof, didn't think you were gonna show."

I smiled at the boy as I moved to the side, revealing a nervous Peter.

"Peter?! You said you weren't coming tonight!"

"Eh... Well, I...."

"I dragged him out."

I answered for him as we entered the huge house, disco lights flaring across the room. I looked around in awe at the huge staircase that ran up the wall and the landing that was attached to it. Whispering a 'woah' to myself as the four of us went into the kitchen for drinks.

"Okay, so we've got vodka, whiskey, gin, larger....."

MJ looked up at us as if requesting our orders. I walked over to her and poured myself a cup of vodka before returning to Peter's side. Offering him my cup.

"Want some?"

He shook his head in response.

"I think one of us should be sober so we can at least get home in one piece."

He joked as we took a seat parallel to the staircase. There were so many people there. Some from school, some weren't. All I know is that we were like sardines on the dancefloor.
I turned to Peter.

" I think you owe me a dance, Parker."

I cocked my right brow at him playfully. His eyes widened for a split second before returning to normal.

"Eh, yeah..... Sure."

Peter smiled nervously as he got up, offering me his hand, which I gladly took in mine.
Song after song. Dance after dance. Drink after drink. The night seemed to just fly by, I blamed it on the alcohol percentage my body was holding at that moment. Maybe I had drank a little too much. Which would probably explain why I found it so hard to climb the stairs to find a bathroom. It was more like stumbling up the stairs, I hadn't a clue where the bathroom even was. Nevertheless, I pushed on with my quest to find a toilet.

After about ten minutes of running into people and walls, I had found it upstairs. I couldn't see straight, even if my life depended on it. Once I had finished I walked back downstairs, only I didn't go back to the dancefloor where Peter stood with Ned, watching me as I exited the house. I hadn't a clue what I was doing, just walking around aimlessly. I sumbled off the side of the pathway, my feet going from under me as I fell to my knees on the side of the road. Not knowing any better I just lay there, peacefully.
That was until I felt arms hauling me off the pavement and over to the steps of the house.


Peter's voice blared through my eardrums, causing me to flinch.

"I was just... Resting, Pete...... Relax."

"Relax?! Sof, You could have been killed!"

I laughed drunkenly at the brunet as Ned came out with a bottle of water and a cloth, handing it to Peter. I watched intently as he washed my leg, which a large graze now possessed. There was a certain look spread across Peter's face as he worked. I tilted my head sideways at him as he looked back up at me.

"You're cute."

I giggled to myself as I watched his reaction.

"Sof, you're drunk. You're not making any sense."

A moment of silence passed before I spoke up again, still watching him intentively and intriguingly. As he sat up beside me on the bottom step of the house I found my eyes going from his to his lips and back again.

"Can I kiss you? "

His eyes widened at my question before he composed himself.

"Sof, as flattered as I am, you're drunk and definitely not thinking straight."

I just gazed at him.

"Come on, let's get you home."

Neither Harry nor my dad were home when Peter and I got there. Free house. Once I got in I went straight for the record player in the corner of the room. I placed the vinyl onto the player, classical music starting to fill the room. I swayed rhythmically back over to Peter, grabbing his hand and dragging him into the centre of the room.

"Dance with me, Pete."

"I don't know, Sof. I should really be getting back to Aunt May."

"Just once dance."

I pleaded as Peter gave in, placing his hands on my waist, just like how I had thought him for Homecoming. I wrapped  my arms around his neck, resting my head on his shoulder as we swayed to the soft rhythm of the music. Something about that moment seemed perfect. Like everything in those couple of peaceful minutes was exactly how it was supposed to be. The song had ended and Peter went to go home. He said goodbye as he collected his jacket, heading for the door. Something within me was telling me not to let him go.

"Pete, wait."

He looked back at me as I walked over to him and without hesitation I crashed my lips onto his. I felt his hand cup my face as he kissed back, before realisation hit and he pulled away, shaking his head.

"Sof, you're really drunk. This wasn't supposed to happen.... I've..... I've gotta go."

And with that Peter Parker left the room. 

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