Chapter 63: Wind, Fire, Water, Earth.

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I caught up with the group, standing beside MJ and Ned as Mr. Harrington started speaking.

"Okay guys, the company set up a city tour, and then we'll grab a bite, then head to the airport."

"Is no one else gonna acknowledge how crazy this is?" Brad asked.

"I get it. There's been nothing scientific about this science tour at all." Mr. Dell answered, understandingly.

"No, no, no. I'm talking about Peter. Has no one else here noticed how shady he is? Because I saw him in a bathroom of a rest stop with some woman, in his underwear-"

I shared a look with MJ as Brad continued.

"-and he's always sneaking away! Like back at the opera? Huh? And now what, he's suddenly off the trip? With his family in Berlin? Is no one else here interested in the truth?"

Ned lifted a hand, presumably about to talk, but MJ put an arm in front of him.

"'The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world.'"

"George Orwell. Thank you, MJ." Brad thanked.

"Yeah, well. I mean, since Peter's not here to tell his truth, what about you, Brad? Why do you think it's cool to take pictures of people in the bathroom?" I asked, folding my arms.

He pointed his finger at me half heartedly.

"Where did you-"

"Yeah, dude. What's that about?" Flash asked, clearly recording it.

"No, no, it wasn't like that! It was... I was just trying to take-"

"Let's just put all this craziness behind us, and have a nice, peaceful afternoon. "Sounds great, Mr. Harrington," said the class, okay-"

Mr. Harrington started walking away and we all followed as Mr. Dell and Brad stayed behind.

"Look at this!" Mr. Harrington exclaimed.

"Mr. Harrington. Come on." Said the bus driver.

"We've got a bus all to ourselves!"

"Nice to see you all. Come along."

There was something off about the driver and suddenly I started wondering if I had a Peter- tingle of my own. Kids handed the man some backpacks as they got onto the bus. I took one last glance of the bus driver before following MJ and Ned onto the bus.

I sat with Ned, Betty and MJ on the top deck, which happened to be open air. There was a small rumble of thunder that caught my attention. I stood up, leaning my arms on the front of the bus as MJ and Ned joined me.

"I don't like this. Something's definitely up." MJ stated as we looked around us.

Ned seemed calm and collected.

"You're an FOS now-"

"-Friend Of Spider-Man." He whispered.

I raised a brow at him.

"We just need to stay calm, for the sake of everyone else." I said.

There was a clap of thunder on our left, causing us to all focus on the dark, grey clouds that started hovering about the buildings.

"Well, that doesn't look good." MJ commented.

"But it's fake so there's nothing to worry about." Ned said, sounding more like a question than a statement.

I turned to look at him.

"I wouldn't be so sure."

We stood watching as a mass of black clouds starting covering up the sky, darkening the city. A bolt of lightning hit a tower on the bridge, catching us off guard and causing us to flinch. Another bolt hit a tower in front of us. The wind started picking up, turning into a full force gale as the thunder and lightning became more frequent. Mr. Harrison came back up top.

"What did the bus driver say?" Mr. Dell asked.

"Bus driver's gone." Mr. Harrison replied.

"Guys, did you hear that?" I asked.

They nodded their heads in unison as the two teachers got into a bickering match. They were quickly stopped as an Elemental showed up beside us. Water.

"We have to get off this bus! We're in a kill zone!"

Everyone started rushing down the stairs and off the bus as tornadoes of water started growing around it.

"Okay, follow me kids!" Mr. Harrington shouted.

Everyone followed. Betty held onto Ned's hand tightly as they ran with the group. I pushed MJ in front of me as we, too, ran. A bolt of lightning struck the bus only mere seconds later, the water Elemental devouring it as it blew up into smithereens.
A face started to form in the clouds and not too long after it let out a roar, letting us know of it's presence. Water and wind.
The bridge started to crumble as it was hit with waves of power.

"This way! This way!" Mr. Harrington shouted, directing us through large gates.

Flash stood, his phone in the air, filming the whole thing while everyone ran past him. I grabbed his bag and shoved him in in front of me as we all piled into the courtyard.

"Come on, kids, follow me!"

Mr. Harrington said as we ran on.

"Its not real. Its not real." Ned repeated.

"It looks real to me!" MJ shouted back.

We followed Mr. Harrington through the courtyard and out onto the main street. Beck had really stepped it up this time. Water, fire, earth and air had been all combined into one huge Elemental, which turned to look directly at us as we ran.

"Earth, wind, fire, water-" Mr. Dell listed.

"-Oh, no. They joined forces like the Power Rangers."

"Voltron." Mr. Harrington stated.

"Who?" questioned Mr. Dell.

"Voltron! You're thinking of Voltron!"

"Hey, look, it's Mysterio!"

Brad pointed at the green mist flying across the sky. They began cheering as Mysterio started blasting the Elemental with his energy beams. A thought then dawned on me.

"Wait, if Mysterio knows we know-"

"Then we're in danger." Ned finished.

"Yeah, and so are they."

"We should go!" MJ shouted.

The three of us ran off, hoping it would keep the rest of our classmates safe. When we were about five minutes away from the group my phone rang. I took it out of my pocket to see it was Happy.


"He's just landed. It looks like he might need your help."

I hung up and turned back to Ned and MJ.

"Guy, I gotta go."

"What? Why?" MJ asked.

Using a decloaking spell, my ordinary clothes were substituted for my black and green suit.

"You're her?!" MJ stated, wide mouthed.

"Yeah, and I gotta go help Peter. I need you to find Happy and stay out of danger. Understood?"

They both nodded as I opened a portal, walking through to the London Bridge we were on only minutes before.

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