Chapter 18: Ned.

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We entered Delmar's Deli-Grocery and headed to the counter. Peter seemed like he was quite a regular at the store, myself only going a few times previously with him.

" What's up, Mr. Delmar?"

"Hey, Mr. Parker. Number five, right?"

Peter picked up jelly in a plastic bag and put it on the counter.

" Yeah, um, and, uh, with pickles, and can you smush it down real flat? Thanks."

" You got it, boss."

" How's your aunt?"

" Yeah, she's alright."

Mr. Delmar turned to speak to his staff in Spanish.

" La tía de é les una italiana muy bellissima." (His aunt is a very hot Italian woman.)

" ¿Ah, sí?" (Oh, yeah?) His staff replied.

" ¿Cómo está tu hija, eh?" (How is your daughter, huh?) Peter smirked at the shop owner.

The deli staff hooted behind the counter. Delmar's grin faded.

" Ten dollars."

"It's five dollars."

" For that comment, ten dollars."

" Hey, come on, I'm joking. I'm joking."

Peter pulled out some cash from his wallet and handed it over to Delmar. Delmar took the money with a grumpy look on his face as he looked over to me before looking back to Peter.

"Tu chica es bastante atractiva." (Your girl is quite the looker.)


Peter looked down as I turned to Mr. Delmar.

"No es el único que habla español con fluidez." (He isn't the only one who speaks Spanish fluently.)

The shop owner's face dropped as I replied to his comment to Peter. A smile growing on my face as Peter's face went red beside me.

"She's, eh, not my girl-"

"Ah, stop. You two were made for each other."

We shared a shocked look with each other before turning to look at Mr. Delmar, who noticed the awkwardness and stuck up a different conversation.

" So, how's school?"

" Ah, you know, it's boring. Got better things to do."

" Stay in school, kid. Stay in school. Otherwise, you're gonna end up like me."

" This is great. Best sandwiches in Queens."

He handed Peter his sandwich. We left the shop and ran across the street, Peter with a bag of sandwich in his hand. We passed under an elevated train track, Peter holding up his palm at a taxi that honked at us, and ran into an alley. Immediately Peter started taking off his shoes and threw them aside, seemingly in a hurry. From his backpack, Peter pulled out the blue and red Spider-Man suit. He knocked over a garbage can as he awkwardly took off his pants. My eyes widened as I realised what was happening, turning away as quick as I could.

"Jesus, Pete, a little warning next time."

Peter laughed at me as he yanked off his shirt and sweater, then stepped into his suit, wearing only his boxers. Jumping, he pulled the full-body suit up over his legs. He fitted his arms in the sleeves, then put on the mask, which covered his entire head. The baggy suit hung loosely over his slender frame. Peter webbed his backpack against a dumpster, then hit the spider emblem on his chest. The material shrank, fitting him snugly. He looked back to me.

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