Chapter 35: Doctor Strange.

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Harry reacted to the whole 'your sister was knocked up' situation better than I had thought. Of course, he had a hundred and one questions, all of which I answered, he knew this much already so why not paint him the whole picture. We came to an agreement that dad wouldn't find out, for the sheer fact that I would be on the streets of Queens quicker than I could say my own name.
I was hoping I could avoid the whole Peter topic but Harry was too smart for that. He was there at the party and he knew exactly what happened.

"So, you have a thing for Petey-boy, huh?"

"Shut up, Harry." I laughed.

"I had to get Gwen to back off somehow and what better way than to pretend he was already taken."

I shrugged my shoulders as he gave me his 'fair enough' face before we ended up in laughter. I bid him goodnight before getting a glass of water and going upstairs.

"Don't forget we have that trip on Monday!"

"I won't!"

I replied as I walked down the hallway to my room, closing the door and plopping onto my bed, exhausted.


Monday had come quicker than we might have hoped for but nonetheless it was here. I sat with Peter on the bus as Ned sat in front of us, chatting to the people around him effortlessly. Peter had his head resting on his arms. We had a late one last night considering that some dimwit decided to rob the fanciest jewellery store they could find, meaning it took forever to find him due to the size of the shop. So, it was understandable that he was tired. I was about to nod off as the hairs on Peter's arms stood up, causing him to shoot up, sharing a look with me before his eyes adverted out the window beside me, causing me to follow his gaze. I looked out the window of the bus to see a spaceship hovering over the streets of New York.

"Pete, we need to get over there A.S.A.P."

He nodded before tapping his best friend in the seat in front of him.

"Ned, hey. I need you to cause a distraction."

Ned turned around to see the spaceship, then knowing what he had to do and why he had to do it.

" Holy shit! We're all gonna die! There's a spaceship!"

Students scrambled to the windows in the back to see the spaceship that Ned had drawn their attention to. Peter quickly slid on one of his Stark-made webshooters, and webbed the emergency exit lever on the opposite side of the bus.

" What's the matter with you kids? You've never seen a spaceship before?"

The bus driver, Stan, shouted from the front as Peter jumped out the window, clinging to the side of the bus and pulling on his mask before leaping over the side of the bridge, shooting a web-line and swinging free. He made his way hastily towards the ship. I put my com into my right ear, hoping that Peter had done the same.

"Pete, can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear."

I let out a sigh of relief before getting back on track.

"Can you give me a visual?"

"Central Park."

I made my way back to Ned who stood among the others staring out the widow. I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Ned, cover us."

He nodded in reply as I cast a transportation spell, taking me to Central Park in time to see Iron Man knocked down by some sort of large alien looking yoke ,who I later learned to be called Obsidian,  was about to deliver a decisive blow, but the alien's hammer was easily caught by Spider-Man.

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