The old apartment

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It is the next day. I spent that whole day crying with some random nurse who I now know as Brenda. She is really nice. I am going home. Since dad passed I technically cant stay in the hospital. He has a flat. I am assuming he left it to me. Its where I grew up. I really haven't stopped crying. I am just really good at hiding it. 

The cab that I took drives off, and I sigh, looking up at the old building. Memories of him and me walking in and out of that door everyday play in my mind as more tears come crashing down. I walk up each creaky step with pain and sorrow as if pretending I am once again that teenager who stayed out past curfew and doesn't want to get in trouble. Not that he would, he would just hug me. 

I pull out his key that I received from the hospital staff and unlock the door. With a large creak, it swings open, revealing the tiny flat that I grew up in. For some reason, it always smelt like peppermint tea, even though neither of us ever drank any. The walls were painted a dark red, with pictures covering almost every square inch of them. Nothing has changed since I left. I walk through the apartment, now wearing the long coat I bought with me. I shove my hands deep in my pockets as I take every step, images playing in my mind of all the stupid things I did in this house. My boots click on the hardwood floors as I continue to explore.

"Oh, dad." I walk into the kitchen to find around 50 boxes of empty cereal stacked up on top of each other. He was never a great cook. I walk into my old room, taking in the millions of polaroids that are hung up on my wall. They show me, my friends, random places I have been. I walk up to the wall and pick one off. 

It is my dad, sitting on the couch in the middle of the lounge room, cheering at the tv as some stupid sports show played. I cry even harder, smiling this time at the fond memories. I spin around in a circle, picking off every photo of my dad I can see and smiling at them, laughing and crying as each memory comes running back into my head. Suddenly my phone rings, and I am bought back to reality. No one has heard from me in over a week. Shit. I pull out my phone and stare blankly at the hundreds of missed calls and messages I have received. I sigh, typing in my password and dialing Jeremy. It only rings once before it is answered. 

"Rose?" His voice is soft and quiet. I wipe my cheeks, trying to make my voice sound normal. 

"Yeah?" It came out high and broke in the middle of the word. All of a sudden I hear Jeremy burst into tears on the other side of the receiver. 

"I thought you left me! I thought you were just going to pretend I didn't exist anymore! I thought you were dead!" I try not to cry. "Rose... is he..." I cover my mouth with my hand. 

"Ye-yeah. He passed yesterday." 

"Oh Rosemaire... I... I am so, so sorry." We are both silent for a while, my eyes tightly squeezed shut in the attempt to stop the tears. "Harry... Harry was worried sick about you. Everyone was. Is." 

"What do you mean was?" 

"Well, people just kind of... accepted the fact you left. They even bought in Abagail." I sigh. Shit, I guess I lost my fucking job. 

"Fuck. Jeremy, I lost my only family, my job, what do I even have?" 

"Rose dont say that. You have so much. You have me, and you have Harry?" I laugh, wiping my cheeks. 

"Doubt it. I fucking disappeared for a week and didn't tell him. He probably hates me. I hate me." 

"That isn't true-"

"Oh yeah? You know otherwise?" I am suddenly angry. All these emotions are just appearing and I have no power left in any inch of my body to stop them from coming out. 

"I... I left back to New York the day you left. I... I don't know. I didn't get the chance to speak to him since he was performing. I talked to is manager and said that you left though." I sigh. "Rose I am so sorr-"

"No. Its fine. You did all you could. I... I dont know when i'll be back. I will have to attend the funeral and then I guess... I just dont know."

"Ok. Well, I am coming. I am flying down as soon as I can. I have been working nonstop. This pay I should have enough to come down, and we will figure it out from there, yeah?" I nod my head. 

"Ok Jeremy. I love you." 

"I love you too girl. Be strong." I sigh and hang up the phone. I take one more look around my room before walking out, shutting the door behind me. 

I don't know what the fuck I am going to do. I have no one to call, no where to stay except here. And even then I dont know if I even can. 

What the fuck am I going to do?

(A/N: Hey guys! So I hope this is good enough? I will definitely change it a bit when I edit it but I am kinda on a roll so I am just writing and publishing as I go! I hope you guys can forgive the mistakes for now and just like the story? Love you all!

Edit: OK so its edited! This entire time I just had that video of Harry singing only angel live and AAHHH!!!! Anyway hope you like it!)

Photo Shoot- A Harry Styles love story... *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now