Mary and Beth

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"That will be $970 please." Fuck that is a lot. Thank god Harry pays well. 

"Here." I hand her my card and she takes it. 

"Thank you for booking your flight! Since you booked asap your flight will take off in an hour! Your seat is 58C." She hands me back my card along with my ticket. So much for first-class flights with Harry Styles. 

"Thank you so much." I take off and quickly walk through the bustling security. And by quickly, I mean it takes me forty fucking minutes. I finally get through, and immediately find my gate. They are already boarding, so I just line up and walk right into the plane. 

I walk down past the first class, and business class, to the very back of the plane. In the seat next to me, there sits a middle-aged woman, who is bouncing a baby up and down on her knees. You can tell she is anxious since we are about to start a god knows how long flight to Australia and she is sat with a baby.

"Hi there, I am Rosemarie, nice to meet you." I can tell the woman is soothed with my kind greeting. 

"Mary. And this is Beth." The baby giggles at the mention of her name. I smile at the sight. "I promise you, she won't be too much of a problem!" I smile and sit down. 

"Not to worry. I love kids." Once again Mary lets out a large sigh of relief. 

We chat for a bit, maybe the first hour or so, but soon Mary is falling asleep. Beth just sits in her lap. 

"Would you like me to take her? I dont really feel tired." Mary smiles, and hands over her child. Within a minute, she is snoring. 

"Hey there Beth," I say, letting the baby rest in my lap. She is facing me, and I am holding her hands, bouncing her up and down on my knees just as her mum did. "You're very cute. Yes, you are." I tickle her stomach and she lets out a loud laugh. I smile. "You are a very good distraction." As if Beth can hear the sadness in my voice, she rolls forward, landing her hand against my stomach. I just smile, lifting her up so she rests her head on my shoulder. 

"Can I get you a blanket?" I turn my head to find a flight attendant standing there, holding a small blanket. I smile, using my free arm to grab it and wrap Beth in it like a burrito. 

"Thank you, very much." 

"No problem. You are a lucky mother." I laugh. 

"Oh, no she isn't mine. I am just minding her while her mum sleeps." The flight attendant sits down in the seat next to me that happened to be free. 

"Oh! I was going to say you look way too young and pretty to have a baby!" I smile. 

"Thank you. You are beautiful too." The attendant smile, holding out her hand for Beth to grasp. Her tiny little fingers wrap around the attendant's larger one. 

"I am Lilly by the way." 

"Rosemarie, nice to meet you." Her eyes light up. 

"Wait! Are you the one that won that photography competition?" I just nod my head with a large smile. 

"Yeah! That's me!" Lilly just smiles.

"Oh! Wait! Is it true that you are dating Harry Styles?" I was about to laugh it off before I realized that... technically I was. 

"Uh... Yeah. But, do you mind not telling anyone? I dont know if we want to yet." Lilly just nods. 

"Wow. That is so very exciting! Imagine dating Harry Styles! Is he as nice as everyone says he is?" I smile.

"Nicer. He is a lovely guy. Really." 

"Are you in love?" I turn my head and lock eyes with her. 

"I... I dont know." She smiles softly. 

"Look, it isn't going to be easy dating a celebrity whose main image is unfortunately based on his looks. I know how disgusting it is but I think the main reason he might have trouble with saying he is in a relationship is because management wants him to stay open to lead in more girls. It is gross, and I know that Harry is 100% against it, but sometimes you can't control everything." I look at Beth, who is now asleep on my shoulder. 

"I know." 

"But..." She finally takes her eyes away from the ground and looks up at me. "I saw that photo. The one of you holding the child. I saw how he looks at you. Like he is completely, and utterly in love with you. And a love that strong..." She nods towards a magazine that is shoved in the seat in front of me, which conveniently has a photo of Harry with the caption "ULTIMATE PLAYBOY" plastered on the front. "It can survive anything." I look up at Lilly, but she has already been called somewhere and left. 

"Fu- wait. Baby is present. No swearing. Dam Beth... Why does life have to be so sad all the time." Why am I not just calling Harry? He always makes me feel so comfortable, and happy. Even thinking of him makes my stomach vomit butterflies. What is stopping me?

"Rosemarie? Thanks." I spin to see Mary awake and holding out her arms. I smile and hand Beth back over. 

"She is great company." Mary just smiles. 

"You should sleep." I just nod, snuggling into my weirdly straight chair, and shutting my eyes closed until I drift off.

I am not sure how long I slept, but I am woken to the feeling of shaking. I open my eyes to see Mary shaking me with one arm, and holding onto Beth with her other. 

"Rosemarie? We are here." The groggy feeling of jetlag feels like it has already hit me, and I sigh, pulling myself out of the chair. I grab my bag, along with Mary's. 

"I have got it. You have got the baby." She just smiles and begins to shuffle out of the plane, with me right behind her. We finally exit the plane, and we stop outside the gate at the airport. I place her bag on the ground and roll it over to where Mary and Beth are standing. 

"Thank you, so much Rosemarie. I couldn't have imagined a better person to sit next to us." I smile. 

"Thank you. I couldn't have imagined a better flight buddy!" I tickle Beth's stomach nd she laughs once more. 

"I hope you have a lovely life, Rosemarie." I sigh, smiling. 

"Thanks. You too." I walk off, waving goodbye to them both before making quick work of the airport, and steping outside in the evening air. It is somewhat cold, but I dont really mind. I call a cab, which was a dam nightmare, but I eventually get one. God. It is so weird to be back here. I haven't been back fo maybe... 5? 6 years? Too many to count. 

"Um... Sydney hospital please." The cab driver gives me a weird look. 

"Are you ok?" He asks. 

"Yeah. Just visiting someone." He nods, knowing not to ask any more questions by the sound of hurt that is extremely present in my voice. It takes around 2 hours to get there, but we do. I pay the driver and walk inside. 

"Hi, my name is Rosemarie Falls? My father is here, Ryan. He was bought in a while ago but I was in America?" The nurse looks me up and down. Shit, I look like shit. "Sorry, I just got off my flight two hours ago." She nods, typing something on her computer. 

"Uh... yes. He is in room 314. 4th floor." I sigh with relief. 

"Thank you!" I run over to the nearest elevator, making quick work of all the doors on that level. I finally find it, but before I step in, brace myself for what I am about to see. 

Photo Shoot- A Harry Styles love story... *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now