"Hmm yes, intense"

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"You're special to me too Rosemarie." I just let out a giant sigh and pull him into a massive hug. "I thought you hated me! Jesus I was trying to be respectful of what you wanted." I just laugh.

"Well, that is all out of the way now. I should probably go to that room now." He just nods his head and continues leading the way, this time walking next to me.

We enter the room and thankfully find it still empty. Just as we take a seat, the others enter along with Brianna. 

"Harry!" Francesca pounces on him, and literally tackles him to the ground, landing a big fat wet smooch on his cheek. "I really did enjoy our date yesterday." As soon as those words leave her lips I choke on air. I manage to keep it under control but I can't help the look that has glued itself onto my face. 

"Hello, Francesca! It wasn't a date! You tricked me into getting coffee with you by saying you were sick!" Harry says, pushing her off him with a bit too much force, standing up. He immediately looks over at me and I quickly take control of my face, flashing him a cheesy smile. 

"Are you not going to help me up?" Harry spins to see Francesca pouting, still sitting cross-legged on the ground. He stands there for a bit, almost thrown off at the request, but then offers his hand out to pull her up. She gladly takes it and one she stands does not let go. I can see Harry physically trying to rip his hand out of her grasp, but doesn't seems to pull it off.

"Ok... so Harry is going to leave the room to discuss some final details about the selection. Then he will come in and ask one person to be excused, that will be after a quick talk about what will happen with your flight home, and the answering of any questions you might have." Brianna types away at her phone before looking up and flashing everyone a perfectly put together smile. 

"Aww! But I don't want Harry to leave!" Francesca pulls another pouty face and clings tightly onto Harry's whole arm. I can't help but feel jealous, she is obviously flirting with him, of which I do not approve.

"Well, we gotta do what Brianna says!" Harry all of a sudden pulls free of Francescas grasp and walks over to Brianna, rubbing the part of his arm that she held onto for dear life. She obviously seems a bit flustered but hides it quickly. 

"Well, I do guess we will be seeing a lot of each other soon right?" That makes all the other contestants stare at her, then at Harry. She is loving those looks, might I add. 

"I am sorry but has the winner been decided? Or are some people just too confident?" Abagail talks to Harry but gives Francesca a solid death stare delivering the last part.

"I assure you, a winner has not been decided yet." Harry gives Abagail a confident response, before turning to everyone in the room, giving them a nod, whispering something to Brianna, and waltzing out of the room.

"Please, if you would all take a seat." Brianna gestures to the table, and we all follow her instructions. She continues to plat a slide show, with all the information on the formalities of everything, contracts, and money. But I am 100% sure that no one is listening. We are all staring at the door, waiting for Harry to walk back in and ask one of us to step outside with him or follow him. I hope to god it is me.


Brianna talks for a solid half hour before she finally asks if anyone has any questions. Francesca's hand shoots up.

"What will happen if we win?" That earns her an eye roll from everyone, including Brianna, no matter how much she tried to hide it.

"Harry will ask you to step outside this room and lead you to another. That is where you will officially be hired by Mr. Styles. You will be required to sign a few different things, but other than that no more formalities. Pay will obviously be discussed, as will travel and accommodation, but you will most likely travel with the band personally or the backstage crew. Since you are technically not part of either, you will so a lot of switching around." Francesca just nods. "But of course, you will not all do this. Before Harry comes in I would truly like to thank you all, which I am sure Harry will do as well. This has been an exciting adventure for everyone, and I hope that there are no foul feelings toward others." She just nods at us all before walking out of the room, leaving us alone.

"Jesus this is terrifying." Abagail finally breaks the long-lasting silence.

"Truly, no. I know I have no chance. He did not enjoy the photos of him that I managed to take. Too many people were everywhere, no room for art." Theodore just spins in his chair. 

"That isn't true. I think we all have a fair shot." I say. Earning a big smile from Abagail. All of a sudden the door swings open, to reveal Harry talking to Adam. Adam whispers something into Harry's ear, causing him to smile, before pushing Adam away and closing the door. 

Everyone in the room stares at him, not taking the risk of giving him the opportunity to slip away to someone else. Everyone holds him in place with their eyes.

"Well, this is fucking intense!" Harry says. Abagail and I burst out laughing, earning us death stares from everyone else in the room, except for Harry. He just smiles at us. Abagail and I shut up, I even slide a hand across my face, turning my smile into a serious look.

"Hmm yes, intense," I mutter to myself causing Abagail to burst out laughing next to me. I slap her arm and she winces, but finally stops laughing. All eyes are back on Harry.

"Jesus I knew I should've gotten Brianna to do this." He smiles. "Ok, so before I say anything I just want to tell you how thankful I am to all of you. Having you leave your lives for a week and coming here for me, it just blows me away. And all of you are extremely talented because you were picked out of hundreds of thousands of people's entries. You all have such a unique point of view of things, and it honestly is the most amazing thing. Keep being your amazing selves."He stands there, gesturing around to people as he speaks. I look around the table for a glass of water. I have a feeling deep down that it isn't me, so I try to prepare myself for anything that might hurt my feelings. I locate a mug and grab it, slowly pulling it to my lips, breaking my eye contact with Harry.

"But in saying that, there must only be one winner. So... Rosemarie, can I see you outside?"

Photo Shoot- A Harry Styles love story... *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now