Harry's bag of Healthy Horrors

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Harry successfully brings me water, along with a bag filled with food. I look through it, taking out salads and fruits and sandwiches. I keep fishing through, hoping to find at least one chocolate, or a bag of chips, or something that had any form of artificial sugar... to no avail. 

"Harry, are you some sort of health freak?" He scoffs.

"No, just because I don't like to shove my face full of sugar doesn't mean I am a health freak." He crosses his arms and pouts at me. God, by did he have to be so cute? Especially right now. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a black plain Gucci top. He had a jacket but he wasn't wearing it. His hair was pushed back by a pair of sunglasses. I looked like shit and I was standing next to this... god of a man.

"Ok, so we have like... an hour before we get to board. What do you wanna do?" He takes a seat across from me.

"Well, I actually want to do some writing. I have been working on something for my business so I want to get that done. I made a playlist for this trip as well." He all of a sudden gets very excited.

"Oooo what is it?" I really dont wanna tell him. Because it is literally all the songs of Fine Line and some others from his first album. If I was gonna work for him, I had to understand his art.

"Nothing special, just some trash artist I found on the internet. Although, he has some nice looking features." I say, knowing he won't think it is him, he is too self-centered.

"Can I listen?" 

"Ah, sorry. I bought Bluetooth headphones." I dig around my bag, pulling them out.

"Well lucky me." He pulls out a much more expensive version of the headphones I pulled out. "Since they are the same brand we should be able to connect them both to your phone so we can listen together." I plaster a smile on my face as Harry hands me his headphones. I connect them both, as he said and hand them back.

"Just a little warning before you go laughing at me, I only did this because I need to know them if I am gonna do this." He gives me a confused look until I press play, and his face is immediately replaced with a giant smirk. 

"On a summer evening..."Harry starts singing in the middle of his lounge, closing his eyes, and really going for it. I slap his arm, holding back a giggle that I know would just encourage him.

"Hold on, doesn't this mean you called me trashy before?" My eyes widen at the discovery.

"Guess I did." He pretends as if I had stabbed him in the heart, literally collapsing to the ground clutching his chest. "Harry!" I whisper yell, running around the table and crouching down next to him. He just lays on the ground smiling.

"I will only get up if you admit my music is good." I laugh.

"Guess your gonna be stuck down there for a while then." He acts shocked before he starts screaming the lyrics to the song that is playing, way off-key, by the way.

"Sugar! Suuggarrr!" I slap him.

"Harry shut up!"

"Not until you admit my music is good!" I let out a small sigh. "Watermelon Suggarrr!"

"OK! OK! Harry your music is good!" He props himself up off the ground, his face inches away from mine. 

"Aw! I am so glad you think that!" He lingers there for a bit, looking down at my lips every couple of seconds, before standing up and casually sitting back in his chair, as if nothing happened. People are giving us weird looks, but Harry doesn't care.

I go back to my seat, but before I can sit down he flings his hand in the air.

"Yes, Harry?" 

"One more condition of my no singing contract, you have to sit next to me. Not across from me." He says, a smirk on his face.

Photo Shoot- A Harry Styles love story... *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now