The Offer

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"So you heard that? I am guessing?" I saw, trying to spare any dignity I still had.

"Yep." He looks so happy with himself. Like a child who just successfully robbed the cookie jar.

"H-hi... I am Jeremy. I am a big fan of yours." Jeremy builds up the courage to walk over to Harry and offer out his hand.

"Thank you! I am Harry. It is nice to meet you." He looks up at me, still smiling. I could almost swear I saw him checking me out. "And you are?" His words break me out of my trance and I look up at him, offering my hand to shake

"Rosemarie, but most people just call me Rose." Instead of taking my hand, he goes in for a hug, and I am too embarrassed to decline so I just go for it.

"Nice name. I think I remember you... your face just looks so familiar..." He rubs his chin as he looks at me up and down, deep in thought. "Oh! I know! I saw you dancing around the reception before the wedding started!" He clicks his fingers and looks back at Jeremy, and he just looks at me like, 'huh?'.

"Oh! Yeah umm, that was me!" I laugh awkwardly and look down at the ground.

"I saw you taking pictures of me on stage" He looks down at me, and I see his eyes. Green. Beautiful, it reminded me of my own.

"Yeah, we are photographers for the wedding, I just thought the couple would want a few memories. This is a pretty special day." I say that with all honesty, not to sound nice, but I have a deep heart when it comes to love. Let's just say I love love.

He looks at me with a warm smile, that I hadn't seen yet. "Mind if I take a look at them? Wanna make sure I don't look bad." He gestures to the camera that is hanging around my neck. He shoves his hands in his pockets and leans over to me as I bring up the camera and scroll through quickly to find the ones of him.

"Wow, they are all really good! Not just the ones of me. I like all the different angles." I was surprised to see that he knew about photography, then I remembered he was really famous and probably had shoots all the time.

"Thanks! It means a lot coming from you!" He hasn't taken his eyes off the camera yet, he just smiles as he looks at the photos as if contemplating something. "Well I hate to say this but Jeremy and I should get going. We have a lot of stuff to do!" A complete lie. We had nothing to do. I just didn't wanna stand there any longer. 

"Oh, well in that case." Harry steps back from the camera and waves goodbye as I pull Jeremy out of the room. 

"I can help you if you want! You look like you have a lot of stuff there!"

"Nope! We are fine and dandy! Thanks for the offer though!" I smile as I continue to drag Jeremy away, he lingers for a bit and runs back to Harry.

"Holy freaking-" I mumble to myself as wobble out of the room to our car. I just left Harry Styles. In the lobby of a country club. Without saying bye! "Thanks! This means a lot coming from you! I am fine and dandy! What the heck is wrong with me!" I say, mocking myself. I shove my head into the boot of the car, trying to squeeze everything in. As I stand back up I am greeted with a beaming Jeremy. 

"What took so long?" I say to him, not being bothered to acknowledge everything that just happened.

"OK SO MANY DAM THINGS!!" I laugh as Jeremy and I hop in the car and I start to drive away. "First of all, Harry styles was TOTALLY checking you out when you walked out of the room," I keep my eyes on the road and scoff.

"As if."

"Yeah, whatever, then secondly when I walked up to him and you left he immediately asked me about you. Like how many years you have been doing photography," He continues, and I can see his excitement building up.

"SO? Get to the point Jeremy!!" 

"AHH OK! He gave me his number to give to you because he wants you to enter a photography competition he is throwing  and the prize is a fully paid trip with HIM for a whole year just taking photos for his band!!!" He throws his hand in the air and screams extremely loudly. I slam down the breaks on the car, and I just sit there. In the middle of the road. I pushed the breaks and now we aren't moving and I just sit there.

"Your joking." I am completely speechless and I manage to utter those few words.

"No, I am not! That's the crazy part! But the entry closes in an hour! And the results are given tomorrow! But he said that he would wait for you! So you gotta put in a submission so that he can pick five people to travel with him for a week and then he picks the one!"

"Holy shit, HOLY shit, HOLY SHIT!!!" I start the car and speed home extremely fast, probably obtaining a few tickets on my way home but still!

I burst out of the car, not bothering to get the stuff out of the back. I run upstairs and open my laptop, and within seconds find the post on social media. I upload some photos from tonight of him, (hoping it would give me extra points), and then some of my favorite photos I had ever taken. 

This was it. This was my big break. It had to be.

Photo Shoot- A Harry Styles love story... *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now