Rainbow minds

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This is it. It is currently Sunday. This could be my last time seeing Harry Styles forever. Unless I go to one of his concerts or run into him on the street that is. I am so terrified. 

We have to wait outside the hotel again today at 3 pm. Harry told me that it was so we could all enjoy what would be most of our last days in London. That was when Harry was talking to me. We hadn't spoken since yesterday. We hadn't texted either. What have I done? 

I throw on a pair of high waisted jeans with a cute white shirt that has a star on it. Today I decided to wear my happy jacket, in an effort to make myself.... happy. It is 11:00 pm right now, so I have like 4 hours until I have to face the other contestants... and Luke. 

I walk out of the hotel, immediately regretting not wearing my long coat, but I just keep walking. I arrive at the small cart not long later, to find that Gregory isn't there. Instead, there is an old woman. A lot taller then Gregory but still very small. She is wearing a knitted cardigan that is pink, and her hair is curled and blond all the way down the bottom of her shoulders. She looks around the same age as Gregory.

"Hi there," I say, walking up to the cart.

"Hello dear," Just like Gregory, "Are you Rosmeaire?" I smile at her.

"That would be me yes, why do you ask?" 

"Well Gregory was sick this morning so I had to man the cart, and he told me that a tall young beautiful girl would be stopping by named Rosemarie. And that I should give her a hug and a pastry and ask her how it all went?" I just smile as the little old lady waddles around the side of the cart and gives me a hug. She smells very strongly of lavender. 

"Thank you, so much. It went... weird. The presentation went well but Harry and I's relationship hasn't changed." She just nods along, pretending to know what I was saying. I just smile. "I'll take these as well please." I place a yellow knitted beanie down on the table, along with an apple. I pay for it all an give her a wave before walking off, eating my apple and pastry before I even get back to the hotel.


The time has rolled around. It is 2:50 pm and I am already walking out of my room. I have my suitcases packed and ready because even if I win, I would get transferred to Harrys 'official' staff hotel, instead of the one we were all staying at. I struggle to roll my bags and everything onto the elevator but succeed none the less. 

As predicted, I am the only one outside. I feel kinda weird standing outside a hotel with my suitcases doing nothing, yet here I am. Soon Abagail appears.

"Oh, Rosemarie!" As soon as she sees me she ditches her luggage and runs over to me, wrapping me in a tight hug. "Are you ok? Luke is a dickhead!" I just smile.

"Yeah I am fine now, it was just all a bit... sudden you know?" She just nods, walking back to get her luggage then walking over again. 

"You would think that if you were such a confident prick, you would have to have some good looks. I guess not always." I just burst out laughing at her comment, and we just sand there talking until the others show up. 

"Hello, Rosemarie." George steps out of his car at exactly 3:00 pm. He helps put all my luggage into the car, then hops in. I give Abagail one last hug.

"This might be it ya know? If one of us gets picked the other is whisked away. I might never see you again!" She says.  "That is, assuming I win. As planned." I just laugh and give her one more hug and say goodbye before getting into the car.

"Seems like you have already made a lot of memories here," George says, making eye contact with me through the mirror. "Treasure those." He smiles before starting up the car. I smile at him, before staring out the window. This might be the last time I ever see London. I look around, soaking in every nook and cranny I can before the car zooms away. 

Photo Shoot- A Harry Styles love story... *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now