Chapter Thirteen: The fight

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The snack pack were in the middle of freeing the pop trolls. Then, Biggie started panicking. He lost Mr. Dinkles and was looking around him.

"Mr. Dinkles where are you?"he screamed.

Everyone turned around.
"Biggie, scream quieter!" Smigde shushed him.

"Its too late," a rap troll said." What are you guys even doing freeing these bozos?"

Another rap troll grabbed Biggie's hand and sniffed it.
"Eww, they smell like this." He said while holding Mr. Dinkles.


Biggie gasped.
"Give him back."

"Rap trolls only listen to rap trolls," one of them said.

Guy Diamond bursted out with laughter.
"We can rap. Show them peeps!!!"

Tiny Diamond came out of Guy Diamond's hair.
"Give me a beat!"

DJ broght out her miny boom box.
"You got it little man!"

Tiny Diamond: Tiny Diamond is my name

He uses his hair to to drag the rap troll's head down to him.

Came to get my music's fame

He spins around away from him. The snack pack bops there heads to Tiny's beat.

My whole fam is are rap trolls
And they ain't from another place

He sprays glitter on the rap trolls. Guy Diamond quickly picks him up. The rap trolls kept rubbing their eyes from the pain. Biggie quickly grabbed Mr. Dinkles and the crew just dipped and ran away.

One of them stopped rubbing their eyes and a tear came on their eye.
"That was heckin dope."✊

Poppy, Branch, and Barb were still skimming for King Molto on top.of the stage. Branch has his weapons ready, Barb has her guitar ready, and Poppy has her friendliness ready. Barb was looking around all dramatic when she spots a shadow of hair in front of her. She then feels something grabbing her legs. She gasped. Poppy and Branch looked behind them and tried to get Barb. The a shadow at the edge of the stage was revealed to be Molto.

"Let me go, dingous!!!" Barb yelled.

He stroks her face.
"Haha, your little disguises won't fool me, darling."

"Darling?!" Barb raged up.

"Stay away from her!" Poppy yelled.

"Yeah, or you will get what you were asking before," Branch grabbed his weapons.

They both charge at each other which gives Poppy the chance to grab Barb and put her to safety. She grabs her and uses her hair as a graveling hook which she uses to get to the ground.

"Poppy you know I can still use my hair too right?" Barb said with a "seriously" face on her.

They land on ground.
"Well your here now ,so your welcome. Now free your genre."

"Got it pop squeak," she said. "Caril, dad, Riff, let's go!"

They all assembled and attacked the rap trolls.

Branch was still fighting King Molto.

"You fight like a pop troll," Molto said.

Branch throws a punch.
"Look who's the smart troll here."

Molto kicks him but misses.
"To bad your queen can't fight me."

Molto grabs on Branch's fists. Branch smirks.
"Well maybe her technique is better."

Molto let's go.

"Hey what's that?" Branch pointed?

Molto looked away.
"What's what?"

Branch grabbed a glitter bomb from his hair and throws it on Molto.

He jumps off the stage.
"Pop troll power!"

He lands with Poppy.
"Aww, you used my strategy in your own way. Your so sweet."

"Welp, doesn't hurt to try," he smiles at her.

"Uh, hey love birds, less talking, more defending," Barb said.

"Uh,yeah right," Poppy said as she helps the other trolls free themselves.

The new tribes were back stage trying to find the rap trolls ultimate weapon.

"Any luck guys?" King Trollxiano asked?

"Nope, not at all," Queen Meniza said.

"Wait, there's a secret door here on the floor?" Queen Melodonic said.

They gathered to the door on the ground and tried opening it.

"Cant you morph your hand smaller and open the door?" King Cerulean asked.

"I-I can't," Queen Melodonic said. "Its been so long I cant even remember how to morph."

They all looked at her desperately. Cerulean grabbed her hand.

"Please," he said. "If not for you and not for us, but for the whole world."

She stared at him into his blue eyes. They smile and Melodonic stands back. She morphed her hand flat and inserted it into the edge of the door and tried to unlock on the other side. Then it opens. They all enter and saw nothing but darkness. They made their hair glow so they could see and they saw a whole rap recording set. They heard the door close behind them and King Molto was in the room.

"Looks like the queen of pop did good for me after all huh?" King Molto said. "Say goodbye to your music, and say hello to rap!"

They all were shocked and Molto turned the recording on. They all fell into a trans and fell to the floor.

He looks up to his record set
"Watch out pop, your next."

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