Chapter Nine: The war zone

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The tribe leaders were starting to loose it in their cages. King Molto ate popcorn in front of them since he sees their suffering as a show. He threw a popcorn on Barb and she raged up.

"Haha, you're cute when you get mad," He boops her nose.

Barb hisses.
"Back off bro cuz I will make you disappear!"

Riff calms her down. King Molto then turns serious and throws his popcorn on the floor.
"You guys will never stop making us disappear will you? Cuz when it's the "important ones" then they can unite with yall. But when it's us, nah. Do I have that right?"

"But revenge isn't the answer," King Peppy said. "You could have just told us instead of using your music for evil!"

"Shut it old geezer!" King Molto said. "Besides...its already to late. We have your subjects."

He orders his bug messenger to send him his radio. When he received it he called the rap trolls to drive the air boats with his own. They hear loud horns of the boats. They see their subjects trapped and afraid. They lost all of their color and they were gray as rain clouds.

"You see, it's been empty without us. And if there is no us, why should there be other types of music?"

The rap trolls laugh evily and grab their boom box. They toss the microphone to King Molto and grabs it firmly.

King Molto:
Guess who's back, back again
Molto's back, tell a friend
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back, guess who's back?
Guess who's back?

I've created a monster, 'cause nobody wants to see kindness no more
They want scary , I'm a fun stealer
Well if you want sweetness , then this is what I'll give ya
A little bit of cake mixed with some hot lava

"Haha bring them in boys!" King Molto demanded.

All of the rap trolls:
So the loser trolls won't let us be or let me be me so let me see
They tried to shut me down on hopes and dreams
But it feels so empty without me

Barb sees King Molto turned around. She used this as her advantage and grabbed a spike from her punk bracelet band and unlocked her cage. She frees the other leaders as well. She pulls Peppy's ear towards her mouth.

"Just jump off the air ship ok? I'll meet you all there."

Peppy gestures everyone to jump off and land safely. They obeyed and started getting off. Barb hid behind a crate. Molto turns around and sees them escaping. But before he could say anything, Barb tackles him to the ground.

She pulls his hair and punches him multiple times. She steps on his glasses and throws the remaining pieces off the ship. Molto cried.
"No! Those were my favorite glasses."

Barb wipes her sweat off and puts her hand on her hip.
"Not cite or a pretty little princess like you said huh?"

She runs to the edge of the ship and jumps off.
"Later bro!"

She floats down and onto another airship. But before she could get on. The rap trolls pushed her off leaving her grabbing on with only her fingers.

"You already saved yourself so why do you need these guys?"  One of the rap trolls mocked her.

"Let's just say I ain't selfish like you guys," Barb said.

The rap trolls smirked.
"Are you sure about that?"

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