Chapter Six: The musical theater trolls

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King Cerulean lead the snack pack across town. Poppy was fascinated by this whole town but noticed that no one seemed to shape shift like they were supposed to do. She wondered if the banishment from long ago had something to do with it. Soon enough, her concerns vanished when they came across the queen's pod.

As they were about to enter, the guards ordered them to halt. They all got startled and stepped back. They asked who were they and King Cerulean gently pushes them away.
"Don't worry kind sirs. These guys are with me. Also I have a queen right here so ya gotta let us in. Or else..."

The guards let them in and they entered. But, when they got their, the queen was no where in sight.

"Where is she?" Poppy asked.

"Maybe she blended into the color of her pod," Guy Diamond suggested.

"I don't think they shape shift," Poppy said. "No one ever did since we arrived."

Suddenly, the pod went dim. It was dark as night. Then, stage lights illuminated the place. From the top appeared a troll lowering herself down with it facing the opposite way as an entrance.
"Did you all just come here to ask questions?" The troll said.

"No not really," Smidge commented.

Legsly punches her arm.
"That was a rhetorical question girl."

"Uh hay, miss dramatic," King Cerulean said. "It's me the king of the blues trolls and I brought a queen from a...tribe that can not be named here. She needs to talk to you."

The troll has finally landed on the ground and faces King Cerulean. The room lit up again. He stares at her and it was like everything has went into slow motion.

"Hello, I am Queen Melodonic," she said. "I am the leader of the musical theater trolls. Who is the queen that needs to see me?"

Poppy steps forward next to King Cerulean and bows to her.
"Hello, I am queen Poppy. Care for gumdrops?"

She gives Melodonic a handful of gumdrops.

She takes eats one.
"They taste wonderful your majesty."

"You know it!" She said enthusiastically.

Queen Melodonic stares back at King Cerulean.
"Do you have something for me King of blues? Perhaps a treaty in a less awkward way like before?"

King Cerulean breaks from his trance.
"Umm...well I'm just here with the queen here. I mean...she is lost without me. Pretty much everyone is."

"Haha, your confident aren't you?" She teased.

"Only for the cool ones," King Cerulean said.

Smidge uses her hair to bring King Cerulean back.
"Okay day dream boy it's time to stay focused!"

"Yeah you need to join us," Poppy said to Queen Melodonic. "We need all of the tribes. The truth is, I'm the leader of the pop trolls."

Queen Melodonic gasped. She frowned.
"No, your-your the reason why we don't shape shift."

"What do you mean?" Poppy asked.

"All of you 'main genre trolls' made my tribe ashamed!" She yelled. She took a deep breath. "We weren't afraid before Poppy."

King Cerulean felt a wave of sorrow for the queen. She looked at him and looked into the she fell to her knees as the spot lights appeared again.

Yes, I look perfect
Music Queen, that's what you see
It's what they all expect from me
But it's all a show

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