Chapter Twelve: It's Fight With Flight

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For Reyna_Is_Da_Best. Were you surprised? And thanks for voting!!!

Nico followed behind everyone as they made their way to Newbury Street. He scanned the buildings and people for any sign of monsters. Demigods attract lots of monsters, but lately there haven't been any monsters. They walked further down the street, Magnus and Alex were in a heated conversation about socks, T.J. and Halfborn were running ahead and chasing the pigeons.
Mallory shook her head in disapproval. "Sometimes I wonder how we're even dating?"
"Who are you dating, T.J. or Halfborn?" Sadie asked.
"The big oaf," Mallory answered.
"Poor you," Sadie answered.
"I know right, it's a wonder how we haven't even broken up yet. We've been together for about two years, which is longer than the last few times." Mallory went on about her relationship problems while Sadie nodded. Nico noticed earbuds in Sadie's ears, no wonder she's such a great listener.
Annabeth stopped abruptly. "Guys? Can we hurry, please?" Her voice was tinted with worry.
"What's the matter, cuz?" Magnus asked.
"No time to explain just-" She wasn't able to finish her sentence.
A few creatures with strange objects for heads circled them. Some had hammers, others had axes, a few even had vegetable peelers for a head. Their skin was bright red as if they were suffering from sunburn. They had dark leather bat-like wings and carried a wide variety of weapons.
"Demons!" Carter announced.
"Boston is the heart of Norse beings, why are there so many Egyptian monsters all of a sudden?" Annabeth wondered out loud.
"How about we fight first and talk later?" Alex suggested. She had unhooked her garrote from her waist and held it like a whip.
"We should come up with a plan and-"
"For Asgard!" The einherjar, except for Magnus, have already charged into the fight.
"Do we still discuss a plan or just fight?" Carter asked.
"I guess we'll just have to fight," Annabeth replied.
"I'll be back here guys, you know, just acting as the waterboy," Magnus said, as he started to back away.
Annabeth pulled him back back the cuff of his sweater. "No. You're going to help fight back the crowd."
Magnus sighed in defeat. "Yes ma'am."
Sam took to the sky. She battled the demons from the air, shooting beams of light magic at them with her spear.
Down below, Mallory and Halfborn we're fighting back to back. Halfborn has ripped off his shirt and back fighting bare chested. Alex shifted from one form to the next, cutting down demons with her garrote. T.J. stabbed monsters with his bayonet, singing the Star Spangled Banner while he fought.
Carter has summoned his combat avatar and stomped through the horde, flattening monsters into little demon pancakes. Sadie threw all sorts of spells at them, while Magnus restores her strength with his healing powers. Annabeth has cut down a path of monsters, occasionally casting a few spells. Nico caused the ground to split under the demons, sending them to Tartarus.
"How . . . much . . . longer?" wheezed Magnus. He could barely stand, restoring Sadie's energy was not easy.
"Not sure." Sadie scanned the horde, the monsters seemed to be coming from every direction. "I need more energy," she ordered.
A lightbulb went off inside Magnus's head. "I've got an idea!" he announced. He closed his eyes and called on his father's powers.
A golden light blew through the street. Everyone's weapons flew out of their reach and the monsters crumbled into sand.
"You know you could've done that earlier, right?" Sadie said.

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