Chapter 11: Meet the People of Boston

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This is for solanglofan3. Sorry for breaking up Solangelo.

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Sadie waited at the entrance of the train station. Carter had gone to find a map. Typical. Sadie checked the time on her phone, Nico and Annabeth should've arrived already. She subconsciously took out a lump and clay and started to shape it into a dog.

"Where are they?" Carter asked. He had returned from the ticket booth with four tickets and a map.

Sadie shrugged. "When's our train going to arrive?"

"A few minutes," Carter answered.

"How long does it take to shadow travel, honestly?" Sadie huffed.

Carter peered through the crowd of businessmen and families. Suddenly his face lit up. "I see them! They just appeared out of that pole," he exclaimed, pointing to a concrete pole.

They rushed towards Nico and Annabeth. Annabeth was half carrying Nico towards them. They were both covered in golden dust.

Annabeth smiled. "Sorry we're late, I had to wait for this guy to wake up," she said, nudging the half-conscious son of Hades. "Let's go, before we miss the train."

Annabeth practically dragged Nico to the train. Sadie found a seat for them at the end of the train. As soon as they got seated, Nico lost all his consciousness. Annabeth explained that while she was waiting for Nico to wake up from his nap, a few Laistrygonian giants decided they would make a delicious breakfast. That explained the golden dust. As soon as Annabeth finished explaining why they were late, she passed out too. Sadie pulled out her clay figure and continued to shape it into a dog. Carter, being Carter, pulled out a book and began to read.

A four hours later, Annabeth woke up. She took off her backpack, which contained all sorts of stuff. Sadie received a can of Ribena and a sandwich. Carter got a slice of pizza and Ginger Ale. Annabeth pulled out a square of golden stuff, what was that again? Oh right! Ambrosia, the food of the gods, Greek gods to be more exact. Just as the train came to a screeching halt at the station in Back Bay Boston. Annabeth and Carter dragged Nico off his seat and carried him out of the train. Sadie trailed behind them.

Annabeth led them to a food court. Sadie chose a table in the corner and dropped into the chair, walking could be very tiring. Annabeth and Carter plopped Nico down on the chair next to her's.

Annabeth scanned the crowd. "I'll find my cousin, you guys stay here." With that, she walked over to a restaurant called Fadlan's Falafels.

Carter took a seat on a chair. He looked really tired, probably from carrying Nico. Speaking of which, Nico had started to wake.

"Are we waiting for the train?" he asked. He looked around the food court. "This isn't the train station! Where are we?"

"We're in Boston. Annabeth's looking for her cousin," Sadie replied.

Nico nodded.

"You were asleep for a long time. Does shadow-travel do that to you?" Carter questioned.

"It just drains my energy. When I started shadow traveling a short nap would do. Then there was the Giant War, I kind of used too much energy. It's harder when you're taking people with you," he said.

"What happened during the Giant War?" Carter asked.

Nico winced. "I had volunteered to transport the statue of the Athena to New York, from Italy. I would shadow travel at night and sleep through the day, my friends Reyna and Coach Hedge would keep watch."

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