Chapter Four: A Heavy Load of Info

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Disclaimer: All characters mentioned in this chapter belongs to Rick Riordan.

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 Sadie led Nico up the staircase that was on the side of the mansion. When they got to the entrance, Sadie pressed her hand against the door and it opened. Sadie walked in but Nico couldn't get past the entrance. Something must be keeping him out, Sadie realized. She remembered her first time at Brooklyn House, Amos had to give Bast permission before she could enter the house. This must be the same thing, she thought. Sadie stepped next to a very confused Nico Di Angelo.

"I, Sadie Kane, give permission for Nico Di Angelo to enter Brooklyn House," Sadie declared. Nothing happened, but Sadie motioned for Nico to enter. When Nico stepped closer to the door, nothing stopped him and he continued.

"Sadie? Why" Carter asked from the couch, making a quick glance at Walt.

Carter, Khufu, and Walt were watching a basketball match on the television. All three of them turned as Sadie and Nico entered. Walt gave Nico a very quizzical look.

"I'm not Anubis," Nico announced. "I am Nico Di Angelo. I'm a son of Hades, god of the underworld, dead, and wealth."

"So you're not Anubis, just some kid who looks exactly like him. Well, except for the fact that you don't have an ancient Egyptian accent," concluded Carter. "I am Carter, Sadie's older brother, I'm the pharaoh of the House of Life, and former host of Horus. Nice to meet you Nico Di Angelo." Sadie rolled her eyes, she didn't see why Carter had to be so formal when meeting new people.

"I am Walt, and this is Khufu," Walt said standing up next to Carter. Walt had been eyeing Nico suspiciously, as if Nico was an enemy or something. Nico, who wasn't so slow himself, stood up straighter and gave Walt a death glare. If looks could kill, Nico's glare would've killed Walt. Walt flinched and quickly looked away.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," Nico replied, formally like Carter. Then he turned to Walt, "You have a very strong aura of death around you, you should've died already."

Walt glared at Nico, but it wasn't as scary as Nico's. "I almost died, and I could've, but I am the current host of Anubis and he's keeping me alive." Suddenly Walt's form flickered and in his place stood Anubis.

"Son of Hades, we meet again." Anubis gave Nico a mocking bow.

Something must've happened between them because a black sword suddenly appeared in Nico's hand. Nico charged at Anubis and disappeared halfway. Then he reappeared again behind him. Carter and Khufu jumped away from the couch and ran next to Sadie. Anubis too disappeared and reappeared in front of them. He summoned his staff, black wood, carved with black hieroglyphs, and topped with a jackal head.

He tapped his staff to the floor and they were teleported to an open field. Nico thrust out his hand and the ground under Anubis split open. Anubis turned into a jackal and quickly jumped away from the crevice. He ran straight at Nico. Nico, however, stood his ground. Anubis was ten feet away from him when the ground exploded and he was trapped in a cage of bones. Nico advanced, with his sword ready while Anubis struggled against his cage.

"STOP!" Sadie ran up to them. She positioned herself in between Nico and Anubis. "Stop fighting you two and talk like civilized men," she ordered.

The cage that trapped Anubis returned to the ground and Anubis turned back into a human. Nico strapped his sword to his belt but it didn't disappear. The two boys were still glaring at each other.

"Whoa guys. What happened before?" Carter asked as they made their way to the end of the field.

"We had a disagreement at a graveyard and it led to a fight, but that one lasted way longer than this one," Anubis explained.

"What was your disagreement about?" Sadie asked.

This time Nico responded. "He was trying to convince me to host him. And I do no host gods," he stated. He crossed his arms and stepped farther from Anubis as if he's going to try to host him by force.

Sadie turned to Anubis. "That was right after you broke up with Walt. I tried to find another host, so we could still be together," Anubis explained sheepishly. His cheeks colored slightly.

Sadie tried to hide the little smile that was starting to creep up on her face. She never bothered to think of how Anubis felt about their breakup. What surprised her even more was that Anubis tried to find some else to be his host. "But I thought gods can host those with the blood of pharaohs. Why would you host a Greek demigod?" she asked.

Anubis gave her a smile, "Well, you see, Nico has the blood of the pharaohs. He is one of the few demigods that has a magician parent. His mother, Maria Di Angelo, was from the bloodline of Amenhotep III. Which makes Nico a descendant of Amenhotep III."

Nico's eyes widened. "Why didn't you tell me that the first time we met? How do you know so much? If my mother was Egyptian, why did she go to the Greek Underworld? Does that mean she could do magic? Can I do magic too? " Nico asked, suddenly acting like a hyper little kid.

Anubis rolled his eyes. "Well, you see, I was in a rush and Greeks and Egyptians don't mix."

Nico returned back to his normal self, "But since my mom is Egyptian, that means I'm part Egyptian."

"You can blame your father for that, boy. He always has a thing for women who belong in another pantheon," Anubis snapped.

Sadie watched Nico and Anubis's conversation, drinking in every piece of information. Anubis has tried to convince Nico to become his host, Nico is a descendant of Amenhotep III. Wait, Sadie thought, if Anubis was trying to find a new host, what would happen to Walt?

"What would happen to Walt if you did host Nico?" Sadie asked. She was over Walt by then, but she still didn't like the idea of him dying.

"I can still leave a tiny fragment of my soul in him, so he'll still live, but most of me will be in Nico," Anubis explained. Anubis turned to Nico. "So, what do you say, son of Hades? Will you accept this great amount of power I'm offering to you, if you just become my host?" he asked.

Nico shook his head. "Not in a million years."

Anubis gave an exasperated sigh. Then his form flickered, and in his place was Walt. Walt looked around, clearly very confused. "Um...what happened?"

Nico waved his hand dismissively, "None of your business." Sadie found it funny that Nico was treating Walt like one of his ghostly subjects.

Walt, on the other hand, didn't like the gesture because he caught Nico's arm. Sadie and Carter rushed forward to stop him from using his death touch thing, but it didn't seem to affect Nico. Nico didn't wither into ash, but he looked mildly irritated.

"Seriously, you try to turn me into ashes with the powers you inherited. Here's something you should learn: Don't. Use. Death. Magic. On. A. Child. Of. Hades. I've dealt with things much worse than this," Nico scoffed.

Walt's expression went from confused to extremely confused. "But...that's not supposed....what?" was all he could manage.

Carter broke the ice. "I'll summon a portal back to Brooklyn House," he said. Carter closed his eyes and a blue door hovered in front of them.

When everyone got back to Brooklyn House, Walt quickly excused himself to go and pack for his flight back to Seattle. Carter and Khufu left to meet up with their initiates. That left Sadie and Nico alone.

Then Sadie suddenly had an idea. "Hey Nico, we're going to teach the initiates about Greek mythology here at Brooklyn House. And I was wondering if you'd like to help since you're part Greek and Egyptian. So you could learn and teach here, that is if you want?" she asked, with Nico's nervousness. She wasn't sure how he'd respond to it.

"Um...yeah, that'll be cool," Nico stuttered. He blushed slightly, which Sadie thought was kind of cute.

Sadie smiled. "Then let's go find you a room and supplies," she said.

Sadie led Nico up the stairs and down the hall, where all the bedrooms were located. She started running past the rooms, looking for an empty one. Nico ran right next to her, they were both filled with joy. Sadie was glad that Nico was going to stay with them, and Nico was glad to be offered somewhere to stay.

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