Chapter Three: An Unofficial Date

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Disclaimer: All character mentioned in the chapter belongs to Rick Riordan.

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After a few seconds, Sadie felt the ground under her feet materialize. Nico had shadow-traveled them to Bronx Little Italy. Nico, still holding her hand, pulled her out into the streets and they made their way to Full Moon Pizzeria. They stepped inside and ordered their lunch. Sadie, who had never been to Little Italy was surprised by how good the food tasted.

Sadie noticed Nico had a faraway look on his face while he ate his pizza. "What are you thinking about?" she asked.

Nico looked up from his slice of pizza. "What'd you mean, what am I thinking about?" Nico asked, trying to play dumb.

Sadie rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean," she said.

Nico sighed, "I was just thinking about my...childhood." When Sadie didn't reply, Nico continued. "I used to live in Italy. Then we moved here, this place just reminds me of Italy."

"You speak of your childhood like it was a long time ago. Honestly, you're like, what, sixteen? And yet, you talk as if you're fifty," Sadie said.

Nico smirked. "Well actually, if you looked at the year I was born, I would be about eighty. But since for most of my life I was in the Lotus Hotel, I'm fourteen."

Sadie stared at him. She couldn't believe what she had heard. She wasn't even sure if he was telling the truth, but from the look Nico gave her, she knew it was the truth. "'re actually speaking of in, during the early Twentieth Century?" she asked. It was the only thing that came into the mind of the very talkative Sadie Kane.

"Um...yeah. But I've been there more recently. In fact, I just visited Italy last week. And in case you were wondering, Italy has changed since I was younger, he said with a smug expression. "I'm planning to go there again next weekend, and I was thinking maybe you can join me, if you want?" he added.

Sadie couldn't help but laugh at his awkwardness. "That'll be pretty cool. Are we going to shadow-travel there? Or do you have money for two plane tickets?" she teased.

"Actually I do," Nico replied matter-of-factly. "What?" he asked when Sadie's jaw nearly dropped.

"How in the world do you have that much money?" she asked.

"My dad," Nico replied through a bite of pizza. "He's also the god of wealth and riches so he gives me money for helping him do...stuff." Sadie had a feeling that whatever stuff Nico had to do must've been hard and challenging.

After they finished eating, Sadie wanted to explore Little Italy, so Nico, given no choice, went too. Sadie was surprised to see the great number of restaurants on that street. They've stopped at many bakeries and, with Nico's money, bought a load of pastries that could last everyone at the 21st Nome a month. Sadie stashed all the sweets in the Duat. She had gotten better at using it. By then it was late afternoon. Neither Sadie nor Nico realized that until they stopped at a park to rest.

"What time is it?" Sadie asked.

Nico looked at their shadows. "Four thirty-two," he declared. Again Sadie gaped at him. She didn't even know you can tell time by looking a shadows. "I think we should get back to Brooklyn," he said, looking around for mortals.

Sadie nodded. As soon as she took Nico's hand, everything around her once more disappeared. Then she found herself standing in front of the 21st Nome.

"Wow, you live here?" Nico smirked.

Sadie punched his arm gently, "Look up, Death Boy."

Nico looked up and this time, his jaw dropped. "Annabeth would be impressed," he muttered.

"Would you like to come in?" Sadie asked.

"Sure, but how do we get up there?" Nico asked. He was still admiring the mansion.

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