Chapter Nine: The Day You Go Shopping

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Disclaimer: By now, I'm pretty sure you know what I own and don't own.

Hope you enjoy!!!

This chapter is dedicated to Greenyoshi73

Nico always thought of tours as boring, but that's probably because he never went on any. He usually explored places by himself. However, this tour got his full attention. Nico followed Sadie all around the mansion. They passed by all sorts of rooms, some even Sadie didn't know existed. The tour also allowed Nico to get some of his questions answered. He found out that a magician can study the path of a certain god or goddess and acquire their power. But, only Sadie, Carter, Zia, Walt, and Percy have been able to merge with them successfully.

"Wait! How was Percy able to host a Egyptian god, he's Greek?" Nico asked.

Sadie shrugged. "I don't know. I think Percy was an easy target for Nehkbet to host, since he has an empty head. Annabeth offered, but Nehkbet declined saying that she had too many thoughts in her mind and it would be near impossible to control her." Sadie paused. "Now that I'm thinking about it, it might be because they were the children of gods, but I can't be sure."

Nico nodded.

"So . . . you've met Anubis before." Sadie pointed out.

Nico gave no reply. He didn't meet Sadie's gaze.

Being totally oblivious that Nico didn't want to talk about it, Sadie continued. "What happened?"

Nico stayed silent, he wanted to shadow-travel away.

"Well?" Sadie asked impatiently. "Are you going to tell me?"

"No," Nico said flatly.

"Why not? It's good to talk about things instead of keeping it inside you, you know," Sadie said. They had stopped walking by then. Sadie turned so that she was facing Nico and crossed her arms.

"Is this tour over?" Nico asked, putting his hands in his pocket.

"No," Sadie answered. "It is not over, and it won't be until you answer my questions."

"Okay." Nico spoke slowly. "What if I just disappeared from my spot, would the tour be over then?" he asked.

"Depends," Sadie replied suspiciously.

"Well, this has been a nice tour, but I've got other things to do, so . . ." Nico quickly melted into Sadie's shadow. The last thing he heard was Sadie cursing at him.

Nico appeared in his room. He quickly closed the door, but didn't unlock it. That was to make it look like no one was inside. Then he stood in the corner of his room and half melted into the shadows. Just as he suspected, someone had started knocking on his door, impatiently. That told Nico it was Sadie, who else would want to talk to him at the time. There was silence, Nico let out a shallow sigh. Then the door flew open, revealing a very angry Sadie Kane. Correction: a very angry, armed Sadie Kane. Nico willed himself to fade into the shadows more.

Sadie scanned around the room, her eyes passed Nico without a second glance. "Di Angelo, I know you're here. You better show yourself before I make you," she said dangerously.

Nico mentally shrugged. Sadie didn't scare him, she was just an annoyance that he was trying to avoid. Maybe she'd leave if I tried to scare her, he thought. Nico summoned his chauffeur Albert. Tell her Nico says thank you for the tour, Nico spoke to his zombie telepathically.

Sadie was really spooked by the zombie, but she didn't back down. That was until the zombie started walking closer to her. She held her staff tightly, prepared to defend for herself. As the zombie approached, she backed away from the room. Just as she reached the hallway, the zombie spoke. "Master Nico Di Angelo says thank you for the tour." Then he closed the door.

Nico emerged from the shadows. "Thanks, Albert," he said. "You may go now, but don't tell anyone about this."

The zombie nodded and crumbled to dust. Nico walked to his desk, made of black obsidian, like his father's dining table. On the desk was a list of stationary. Wait, Nico thought, this can't be a supply list, can it? Sadly his question was answered by the heading of the list. It read: Brooklyn Academy for the Gifted. He was surprised that he had been enrolled in school, a mortal school, to be exact. Hades usually hired some ghost to teach him.

Someone started knocking on his door again. "Hey, Death Boy, you coming to lunch?" a slightly less angry Sadie asked.

Nico stuffed the list into his pocket. He opened his door. Sadie was still standing there, she seemed to be suppressing her anger, but there was a great amount of fear in her eyes. "Hey Sadie. Did something scare you?" Nico asked casually, trying to hide his smile.

Sadie let out an exasperated sigh. "Whatever, I know you summoned that zombie," she huffed.

"Yep," Nico confirmed, feeling much happier.

In return, Nico got a near concussion from Sadie's staff. Surprisingly, he didn't feel any anger towards her. Sadie had skipped off after she whacked him, probably in case he summoned another zombie.

Lunch was just like breakfast. Everyone filled their plate from the big buffet table and found a spot to sit. After everyone ate, Carter separated people into groups. Nico had been put in a group with Alyssa, Marcus, Sadie, Sean, and Shelby.

They traveled via portal. Nico looked around, they stood outside a mall. There were a bunch of mortals, but Nico didn't recognize any magicians from Brooklyn House besides his group.

"Where's everyone else?" he asked.

"Probably somewhere buying supplies," Sadie answered.

It took a moment for Nico to process that tiny bit of information. "So you're saying that we've all just split up, without knowing where everybody else is?" Nico asked.

"There's absolutely nothing you need to worry about," Sadie assured him. "You know, just the occasional demon here and there. Besides if we are in trouble I'm also hosting a goddess, so we should be fine."

"How about we stop worrying and start shopping?" Sean suggested.

"Yeah, I want a new set of paints," Shelby squealed.

"Alright guys, let's get our shopping done." Sadie led the way into the mall.

They only needed to stop at one store, but Sadie had wanted to get hair dye, Sean wanted clay, Shelby wanted toys, and Marcus wanted candy. Shopping for school supplies took them an extra two hours. Nico didn't want anything and he didn't need anything besides the school supplies. He also didn't want to linger in a mall that could possibly be 60% mortal and 30% not mortal.

They returned to Brooklyn House after everyone else. Everyone returned to their own room to get their stuff ready. When Nico opened the door to his room, someone else was there too. The person he least wanted to see.

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