He began to speak "Didn't expect someone like you to murder. But here's some advice. Never quit, and if you do, never feel guilty."

"Angel! Were you spying on us? I told you to not do that when I talk like this with my future guests! And don't tell her that!" Charlie scolded.

"Calm your tits, babe! I was jokin'... For the most part. Hey, your name's Y/N, right?" You nodded. "Listen, Y/N, I wouldn't feel guilty about killing those fuckers. If they did you wrong for that long, then I think you were allowed to kill 'em. 'Sides, I'm a pretty horny piece of shit, but pedos are somewhat worse. It's best to just kill 'em. "

And he left, waving to Charlie, and blowing a kiss in your direction, before closing the door. The flirtatious action left you a bit flustered but you quickly shook it off. Charlie sighed, facepalming. 

 "I take it back. He's the most difficult to redeem...."

 You shrugged. "I mean, he doesn't seem so bad. He did try and make me feel better, right? He's got to have some good in him. "

Charlie's face lit up at this. "I think he's taken a liking to you, Y/N! I think I have a good idea! "

Charlie pulled a tiny mic, that was on her desk, closer to her. She tapped it twice, listening to make sure it was working. The tapping echoed throughout the hotel. However, you didn't notice nor hear any of this, since you had already zoned out into your little world. You sat in your chair, thinking of irrelevant things.

Until, the door to the room opened again, revealing a slightly annoyed Angel.

"Damn it, I was here like...a minute ago! If ya needed somethin', you should've said it before. And I was fixin' to go out too!" Angel yelled, agitated.

Charlie smiled apologetically. "Sorry, Angel. I just thought that since you were probably going out, you could bring Y/N along with you! ..Just don't do anything reckless, okay?"

Angel glanced over to where you were, watching you peer out the singular window in Charlie's office with longing. Looking at you with that pitiful expression made the porn actor a bit unnerved. The demon sighed, before shrugging and turning to the door.

"Fine, yeah, whatever. Hurry up!" Angel called out as he left to go outside. You turned to Charlie, who was pushing you out of the room. When you were in the hotel lobby again, she stopped and gave you a reassuring smile and thumbs up.

"Just be careful. And like my dad always told me..." Charlie cleared her throat. "You don't take shit from other demons."

"Okay, I'll be careful. Bye!" You rushed to the double doors, running past Angel Dust, who had been so kind to hold the door open.

The streets were covered in blood, both new and dried up. In the alleyways, there were several trash bags, which you hoped didn't contain any dismembered limbs. There were many signs around the hotel, which mostly promoted cannibalistic restaurants, clubs, and bars. So far, you worried there weren't any decent places to go.

Waiting in front of the hotel was a taxi, with a driver who was smoking an expensive looking cigar. Angel swung the door leading to the seat beside the driver open and hopped in. You decided to sit behind Angel.

"A'ight, listen pal. I'm takin' my lady friend over here to a real nice bar. You betta put your foot on that fuckin' pedal and take me to one, or else..." Angel's mouth widened to a malicious smile, his golden tooth glinting.

The driver immediately started to speed down the streets. The windows were rolled down, so a cool breeze blew through your hair. Your eyes tried their best to examine as many details of the blur of buildings, but to no avail...

Soon, the taxi demon slowed to a stop outside a lit up building, which was actually in very good shape. It didn't seem to be crowded, and the area wasn't as sketchy compared to certain areas of what you learned to be called "The Pentagram". Both you and Angel stepped out of the car, you turning back to offer your appreciation, only to realize the demon drove off.

Angel seemed to forget all about the driver, as he was only focused on going into the classy looking bar. He pulled you along, not realizing he was going a bit too fast to your liking. You said nothing, since he couldn't help how long his strides were (thanks to his beautifully long legs). Angel pushed open the door, having a bit of trouble, which was quiet suspicious.

Immediately, you knew the two of you were tricked once you realized the bar was deserted. It was dark, cold, and dusty. Before you could turn to walk back out, a figure had stepped in the way and slammed the door closed, leaving you and Anger Dust alone, trapped.

Suddenly, the sound of gunshots reverberated around the building. You felt several arms push you out of the way, just as a bullet hit the wall behind you. As your head made contact with the hard, concrete floor, you felt yourself slowly slipping away...

{INCOMPLETE} You're My Favorite Drug [Angel Dust X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now