Fighting against her better impulses, only to lose, Feather throws in the towel for the time being. His weight on top of her preventing her from any escape, fighting back just meant harsher punishments, and they were both more than happy to oblige.

She shifts herself as best as she can onto her side, lifting her head up and looking into the eyes of the man she would soon from now on refer to as 'Master'.

Matthew smirks as he remains on top of her, grabbing two lines of rope from the coffee table that he had placed there after she left, along with some other things, restraining her arms behind her back, leaving him free to continue. One around her elbows holding her arms together in place, the other her wrists.

Earlier -

"So how do you want it?" Matthew asks bluntly, crossing his arms, leaning against the hard frame of the doorway in the foyer as she sprints down the stairs in her sweat pants and a tank top, getting ready to go for her run.

"Surprise me." Feather replies as she makes her way into the other room, Matthew following behind her. A smile crosses her lips, but Matthew can't see it.

He watches her grab a water bottle from the fridge and combs his fingers through his hair, almost nervously, eyes panning down her body, "You realise how dangerous those words are, right?"

"I'm aware," She glistens, turning around and spraying the water in her mouth before sauntering over to him and placing a quick peck to his lips, "Master."

He follows her to the door, almost like a lost puppy, Feather opens it and is just about to head out when something stops her. She spins around to her scarf being wrapped around her neck gently, "Forgot something." Matthew reminds her with a flashy smile.

A small giggle escapes her, she walks out, closing the door behind her.

Now -

Replaying her earlier words in her mind, she didn't realize just how daring they really were, but neither were complaining.

They may have been daring, but so was she, and she never wasted the chance.

It was one of the things Matthew loved most about her.

Finally coming eye to eye, the serious dominating look on Matthew's face fades into a smirk as his beautiful blues meet her darling browns, admiring the work he has done. Being taken by surprise was one of the things she loved the most, and seeing him standing tall over her, or sitting rather, caused a similar smirk to cross hers. The rush of it all sent a number of sensations throughout her body.

"You dirty little girl." He finally spoke, his voice dark yet full of intrigue as he pulls himself off her, off the couch and onto his feet.

Moving in front of her he leans down, his hand cupping her jaw and he looks coldly into her eyes. Feather knew exactly what he was referring to and there was no wiping the seduction off of her.

Lust quickly replacing seduction as she's met with a slap to the face. Her eyes doing what her mouth was unable to as she silently begs for more. There was nothing she didn't like.

They loved pushing each other to their limits, even a bit over, most times a lot over. They challenged each other, they loved every moment.

He wasn't gentle. Grabbing a handful of her hair he pulls her up into a sitting position, she can't move. Her upper body is confined, lower is free for the taking.

Settling down in front of her he rips her sweatpants off to reveal... nothing. No lace, no lingerie.. Just her in all her glory. She never liked wearing underwear. Too restricting she always said.

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