Chapter 17

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Riley's POV

I looked out of the window and saw multiple fireworks lighting up the sky. Everyone was celebrating, but I couldn't find a reason to. I wasn't sad, more just lost in thought. Two thousand fourteen has been the most eye-opening, depressing and tragic year of my life, I was hoping that next year would be better.

But on the other hand I did meet the boys. I've become a slightly different person thanks to them.

Another firework lit up in the sky, this one exploding into multiple shades of hot pinks, vibrant purples and fiery oranges. A smile creeped upon my lips at the thought of people having fun, even if I wasn't there. Seeing that I was alone, the thought didn't bother me as much. It was almost like I didn't need to be there anyway, just feel their presence and wish them the best in life.

I felt the blood run in my veins, seeping through my heart. "This is what it feels like." I thought to myself. You never do get used to it. Everyday when you wake up it's a different feeling, consuming you, until you're never to be seen again, forever trapped in the darkness of your own thoughts. That is until you find a gentle source of light, cutting away at the darkness without any fear. That light could be anything - an event, your own self, even another human being.

"Ashton." The name rung in my mind like a church bell, the sound getting weaker every time. "He ripped away the darkness."

"Riley?" A soft voice spoke, the persons head peeking through the crack of the door.

"Yeah?" I looked at them, seeing that it was Michael.

"We're going to a New Year's party. You want to come?" He asked me, being careful not to alarm me.

"Sure." I smiled at him and stood up from the chair that I was previously sitting in.

"We leave in twenty." He flashed me a subtle smile then closed the door, leaving me alone in my thoughts once again.

I picked up a random article of black clothing, inspecting it closely. It was a black long-sleeved dress that went a bit shorter than mid-thigh. I shrugged and threw it over my shoulder, too lazy to search for anything else. I picked up stockings and went into the bathroom to change(a/n outfit and hair on the side). I let my dark hair flow in its natural state and stepped outside, looking myself in the mirror. "I look pretty damn hot." I thought to myself. I looked over to my shoes, unable to decide between black heels or black low-cut converse. Shrugging I put on the converse, laughing to myself about the heels. "Ain't nobody got time fo' dat." I grabbed my phone and my headphones and then stepped outside of the room, gently closing the door behind me. As soon as I turned around I saw four pairs of eyes staring directly at me, mouths wide open.

"What, is it bad?" I asked in fear, looking down and covering myself with my hands.

A collective chorus of "No!", "You look amazing!" and stuff like that was heard throughout the room.

"Thanks." I quietly said and looked down, awkwardly walking over to their direction. Ashton swung his arm over my shoulder and all of us walked out the door. It wasn't cold in Sydney, twenty seven degrees celsius.

We stared in awe at the lights in the sky, being that you could only see them this time of year. Soon enough we arrived. I could already smell the alcohol, and we weren't even in the house.

"It's alright, I won't let you out of my sight." Ashton leaned down and whispered in my ear, removing his arm from my shoulder, grabbing my hand and gently pulling me towards the house. The anxiety was acting up, I wasn't gonna let it ruin my night. He opened the door, letting me go in first, but stepping in after me not a second later.

"Ashton, glad you could make it!" A black-haired boy approached us, carrying a red cup. The drunk boy hugged Ashton, or whatever you would call a hug in his state. "Who's this?" He turned in my direction, almost falling down in the process. His eyes ran over me and then back to my eyes, a sloppy smile appearing on his face. "She's hot." He whispered to Ashton.

"And also taken." He wrapped his arm around my torso, pulling me closer. He kissed the top of my head, him being significantly taller than I was.

"Oh... shame..." He winked at me before walking away, making my stomach churn in disgust. "Enjoy the party!" He shouted.

"Ew." I said to nobody in particular.

"I'm sure as hell not leaving you tonight now." His grip was tightened, but not enough to cause me pain, only enough so I couldn't get it off of me myself.

"Appreciate it." I smiled, just as the rest of our group set door through the door.

From the corner of my eye I saw Luke glare at Ashton, but I chose to ignore it for both my sake and theirs. Ashton returned the stare, but only for a second. Soon enough Luke walked away, Michael and Calum disappearing in the crowd shortly after.

As the hours went by I found myself sitting outside, alone. I wasn't angry with Ashton for leaving, it wasn't his fault. He got dragged away by a couple of girls. It was like seven minutes to midnight. I smiled to myself, knowing that I could finally leave this year behind, and start a new book. Twelve chapters, three hundred sixty five pages - I needed to make it the best I could. I decided to walk back into the house, not wanting to spend this time by myself. I spotted Michael talking to a girl. She had light brown hair and she was quite tan.

"Five! Four! Three! Two! One!" A bunch of drunk teenagers counted down the seconds to New Year. When the clock officially struck midnight partners launched at each other and passionately kissed each other. Some friends were hugging, as Michael was doing with this girl, that is until he kissed her anyway.

Suddenly Ashton popped up in front of me. "Kiss?" He asked me, probably remembering what we had, as I was.

I smiled and pulled his mouth to mine, feeling fireworks explode everywhere, not just inside of me. He wrapped his arms around my torso, mine snaking around his neck. Eventually we pulled away, an enormous smile spreading on my face as well as his.

"Be mine again?" He asked, his eyes burning into mine, filled with hope.


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