Chapter 11

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*this is a continuation of the last chapters flashback just so you know*

Riley's POV

"You're late, Miss Jones." My science teacher crossed her arms over her chest and stared at me. "Care to explain?"

"Umm... I... slept in." I stuttered. Seconds later snickers were heard from the students in the classroom.

"You may be seated, I'll let you slide this time. But I would like to talk to you after class." A disappointed look lingered on her wrinkly face.

I dipped my head down and walked to my seat, which unluckily for me was next to the sluttiest, most bitchy girl in this whole crappy-ass high school. As I got closer to my seat I noticed that she was in the middle of applying blood red lipstick.

"Miss Reeves, pay attention please." The teacher called her out. She rolled her eyes and stuffed her mirror and lipstick in her purse. I sat down. I heard a scoff coming from her direction, but I chose to ignore it.

Before I knew it, people were walking out the door, heading to their next class.

I walked up to the teachers desk and waited for a couple of seconds before she finally noticed me.

"Miss Jones, why were you late?" She asked me once again.

"I slept in." I half-lied. When I woke up in Ashton's bed this morning I almost had a panic attack and he was trying his best to calm me down. I ended up wearing one of his smaller shirts since I didn't plan on staying the night at his house.

"Miss Jones, is there something going on? Family-wise? Relationship-wise? Bullied?" She asked.

"No, ma'am, there isn't anything going on. Everything is just fine." Lies, lies, lies.

"Okay then." She said, uncertain. "Here's a late pass for your next class. Have a good day, Miss Jones." As soon as the words left her mouth I left the classroom.

The last class just finished and I was making my way home. God, I don't want to. My parents are going to kill me.

Suddenly an arm pulled me to the side harshly and slammed me against the wall.

"You think you're gonna get away that easily?" Brandon's friend whispered. He was surrounded by other members of Brandon's 'posy'. Immediately after he punched me in the stomach, where a ball had hit me today in PE. He slapped me and threw me onto the cold concrete, proceeding to kick me in the stomach multiple times afterwards.

"Stop... please." I quietly pleaded. He pulled me up by my hair and slammed me against the wall once more.

"Where's your hero now?" He slapped me again. "Where is he?! Huh!?" Kicks and punches we're flying towards me at a rapid pace.

"This is the end, isn't it?" I asked myself in my mind. But suddenly, he stopped. I carefully looked up. He was staring right at me.

"Run, bitch." He whispered. And I did. I ran as fast and as far away as I could. But why did he tell me to run? Did he feel sorry for me? Haha, no. But when I looked back there they were, chasing me down the streets.

Before I knew it I was knocking on Ashton's door.

"Ashton! Help me, please!" I shouted whilst furiously banging on his door with my palm.

"Riley? What's wrong?" Seconds later he answers, a concerned look on his face.

"It's them." I told him, out of breath. Before I could even blink he pulled me into his house and locked the front door. He looked back at my panting figure and gently took my hand. He led me over to the couch and sat down next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders.

I didn't like to be touched, but there was something about him that made me feel safe.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He gently asked me.

"No." I simply replied. "I'm sorry I came here... I just didn't know where else to g-"

"Shh, it's alright." He reassured me whilst looking into my eyes, but my gaze was held firmly on the carpet.

"Let us in, Irwin!" The group of people behind the door shouted.

"I'm sorry." I said to nobody in particular.

"Stop apologising, it's not your fault." He said whilst moving a piece of hair out of my face. "You're so beautiful." He whispered, we was probably thinking I didn't hear what he said. I chose to ignore it.

That's how we stayed for a while, just sitting in a comfortable silence. We ended up cuddling, despite my attempts to protest. But either way, I still had to go home eventually. And either way, I still had the guts to spend yet another night with him.

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