"But the labyrinth's changing. How can I know where I was?"

"You have someone with magic, am I right?"

Chaeyoung grinned, knowing that it was her that the god was pertaining to. "Count me in."

"Count me in too!" Hoseok gleefully said almost automatically when Chaeyoung agreed.

"Me too." Jungkook said.

"That leads us to the second group." Apollo said in a sing-song voice, now excited. "Jisoo wants to meet her mother. Raise your hand if you want to accompany her."

Taehyung immediately raised his hand, with Hoseok groaning after because he also wanted to accompany his sister.

The rest of the group, except for Jisoo, turned their heads to where Yoongi was, waiting for him to volunteer as well.

But Yoongi didn't. "I'm going back to camp," Yoongi said instead, "I'd rather sleep in my cabin."

"You sure about that?" Hoseok asked his best friend warily. Yoongi nodded with his blank expression.

"Alright then." Apollo clasped his hands on the table and placed his hand on it. "The last group will go back to camp. My sister said she needs her huntress back."

Jennie, who was quiet all through dinner, straightened from her seat. She was anticipating her reunion with the goddess yet she's still agitated when she remembers that she's in trouble for leaving her fellow hunters behind with the Minotaur.

"So I'll be with Jennie and Yoongi." Jimin said with finality.

"Okay. Now that the group's settled, you can now go to your rooms to rest." Apollo stood up and started walking away from them but then stopped abruptly. He turned around and eyed the boys each. "Boys and girls have separate rooms. I don't want any of you sneaking in each other's rooms." The last pair of eyes he met was Taehyung's and the god gave him a stern look.
"Understood, boys?"

Five "yes" were heard from the dining room before Apollo happily left them.

"Demigods." A woman's voice spoke, startling Lisa, and Jennie.

The boys looked around as if trying to find the person who spoke yet they couldn't see anyone near them.

Jisoo instantly recognized the voice and said, "Sana?"

"Yes, Miss Jisoo." Sana replied, with Jisoo earning confused looks from the rest. "I'm here to guide you to your rooms."

Sana guided them easily since Jisoo explained to them what Sana was. The rooms they were given were just across each other, with four beds inside the girls' room while the boys' have five.

Jennie chose to lie on her bed while Lisa and Chaeyoung talked to each other about how they're feeling with the sudden confessions from the boys. Jisoo excused herself from the girls and left the room to get back to the patio and breathe some fresh air alone.

Or so she thought.

"Can't sleep yet?"

Jisoo sat down next to the boy who beat her to the couch in the patio. "Yep. And you?"

"Same. Lots of things to think of."

"You sure you want to accompany me tomorrow, Tae?"

Taehyung leaned his back on the couch. "Of course. No second thoughts when it's you we're talking about."

Jisoo slowly turned her head to glance at her friend but found Taehyung already staring at her so seriously that she almost tried to hold back what she's about to say. "I want to ask you som-"

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