33. The Act of Betrayal - Ethelston

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"My lord, I can understand if you are questioning my loyalty, " Jarendrud said as he studied his lord's facial expressions, "If you wish for me to step aside for you to find a replacement, I am at your command."

Ethelston shook his head; the thoughts in his mind were chaotic. He needed to set it at ease and think straight once more. "No, I need your council. What did you have in mind?"

"The names we gather, we let some drop, including Arminell's. The Black Knife Syndicate are likely to want to exterminate these people as an example. We have these people watched, we apprehend the potential assassins and shake them for more names. We shake the apple tree and see what drops."

Ethelston smiled; the simplicity of the suggestion made him wonder why he hadn't thought of it earlier.

He drank some of the wine again, this time allowing himself to savour the taste, if enough of the apple tree were to be shaken, perhaps the two other names of the remaining leaders belonging to the Syndicate would fall to the floor. While he had suspicions already of one, the other remained elusive.

"I will need to call the banners soon, or my hold on Ravenscourt will appear weak, " Ethelston responded, "If they arrive in Ravenscourt during civil unrest, it will be even more detrimental."

"I understand, my Lord. I would suggest calling the banners soon and begin preparations. I believe we will have crippled their hold in Ravenscourt before then." Jarendrud explained.

The thoughts of betrayal bombarded Ethelston's head once more, should he risk trusting Jarendrud so fully? With both Loldirr and Erdudvyl in Lionmane, he had to choose. Risk putting his trust entirely into his spymaster or stand-alone against threats in and outside of the Castle.

As he took a swig of the drink once more, he realised that to stand alone as a mercenary was expected, but to stand alone as a leader was suicidal.

"One of the banner nobles is a leader of the Black Knife Syndicate." Ethelston eventually reported.

Jarendrud smiled and nodded, "I know, my Lord. There are three houses in which I have my suspicions, but I wish to refrain from laying blame until I have concrete evidence."

A frown crept onto Ethelston's face. "And you decide not to tell me?"

Jarendrud lowered his head in respect, "Please understand, my Lord, that everything I do is in your best interest. If these houses were even to smell a whiff of suspicion, the culprit would go to the ground while the other Lords would question their loyalty towards you. I am your spymaster, which means, that why you work in the open, I work in the shadows, while you attack with your sword, I am the shield that defends you. As long as I live, I will protect you."

"Like my father?" Ethelston responded a little harsher than he anticipated.

Jarendrud smiled. "If it weren't for me, my Lord, he would have joined your mother. My forces were only able to protect one of you. Considering the babe that your father had in his arms, I went against his wishes and ensured his protection for the good of the realm. Despite my love for you and your mother, I would not hesitate to make the same decision again."

Ethelston smiled at Jarendrud's brutal honesty. As he took another gulp of wine, he was thankful to hear words of truth for once.

"What do you need?" Ethelston asked.

Jarendrud started to pace up and down the hall, contemplating the question. "Honestly, my Lord, my forces would not be able to protect your men and their families over the next few moons once word gets out. I would need additional forces, approximately fifty strong, to fill the gaps."

Taking another swig of his wine, Ethelston slammed the flask on the table once realising it was empty. "Hagrefjord is a day ride from here, I'll set out and find some mercenaries there."

"If the syndicate were to know?"

"They won't, " commented Ethelston, "besides, I know which mercenaries can be trusted with this task."

"My Lord, may I protest?"

"You may not," Ethelston cut off Jarendrud abruptly, "my decision is final. You will run Ravenscourt in my absence, in the meantime, bring in my Captain of the Guard for his judgement."

As Jarendrud escorted Arminell into the hall, Arminell looked directly at his liege. Ethelston wondered if his captain of the guard was angry, but as he edged forward, he could see the familiar look that he had seen upon thousands of men before him; regret.

Standing in front of Ethelston, the two men stood and bowed their heads in respect. Arminell's face was pale, and even now his eyes refused to make contact with the Duke of Ravenscourt, instead, looking at the floor dejected.

"Do you have anything to say?" Ethelston coerced.

Arminell initially shook his head before speaking, "No, milord, it's no consolation milord, but I was unable to step back from their influence."

"You're right; it is no consolation." Ethelston stood from his chair and walked over to Arminell. Standing beside him, he sighed. "Look at me. I feel it's important to look in the eyes of the man I will pass judgement."

Arminell turned, his eyes the last to swing around to focus on the furious Ethelston. They were dark and full of sorrow, and while most men would be sorrowful because they were caught, there was something more to his darkness.

"Every bone in my body screams for me to execute you. I placed you in a position of power, my right-hand man, " explained Ethelston.

"I'm sorry milord, I..."

"YOU WILL NOT SPEAK!" Ethelston shouted, slamming his fist on the table in fury.

The smash reverberated around the room, causing Arminell to jump.

"However, the man who stands behind you reminded me that I gave my word not to kill those who came forward. As a result, your life is now in his hands."

Jarendrud smiled towards seeing the mind games that Ethelston was portraying. "You will tell us the names of every member of the city guard who moonlights for the Black Knife Syndicate. You will say to us every other associate you know, every location you meet, every form of communication. You will tell me every detail, however insignificant."

Arminell turned back towards Ethelston, "If I tell you these details, milord, they will execute my family."

Ethelston grabbed hold of his tunic and pulled Arminell towards him. Despite Arminell's attempt to wriggle free, he underestimated the strength his liege possessed. "If you don't tell us these details, I will execute your family myself. You will watch as I paint the city red with their blood. Do not mistake my leniency for mercy. Jarendrud, show him to the exit."

"My lord." Jarendrud replied as he bowed and placed his arm on Arminell's back, coaxing him towards the exit.

As the sound of boots clapped along the stone floor, Arminell eventually stopped and turned towards Ethelston who had sat back down at the long table. "I'm sorry, milord, for everything, " he apologised, "they embedded themselves in the city long before you arrived; but you've been good to me, and the other men. I'll do what I can to help."

Ethelston could see the genuine regret that Arminell was holding, but he wasn't about to let any emotions cloud his judgment. "Yes, you will, Captain. They may have been here longer, but I will get my house in order, and I will see the Black Knife Syndicate brought to their knees, and once I finished, the world will know that the house of Darke has returned to glory."

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