He walked out the room and the crowd followed him like an entourage.

I got up and closed Taehyung's door, then ran towards him to stand him up and sit him on his bed. "You okay?" I asked him. He was hunched over gripping his abdomen. His sweaty hair dangled in front of his face and he looked out of it.
I pushed his hair behind his hair and moved his face to look at me.

"What the hell just happened Tae?"

"They heard us in the infirmary and followed me to my room."

I looked at him in disbelief. Why are people always eavesdropping from there? This was the one thing he warned me about and I completely acted like an ass. How could I of been so self involved.
I grabbed him and pulled him in tightly. He grunted from the pain and I loosened my grip. "Tae, I'm so sorry."

I let him go, moved my palms to his checks and looked him in his eyes. We started at each other deeply. I soon pulled him and planted my lips on his. When I pulled away he gave me a soft smile.

"You don't have to apologize to me Kook. You did what I suggested you do." He said with a soft chuckle. "Even if you kinda still got your ass kicked." We laughed together for a while and it kind of grew silent.
I pulled his shirt over his head to take it off. Laid him down, and threw the blanket over both of us.

I rested my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his body trying to fall asleep.
"You know if administration hears about this I'm in trouble. They can't keep vouching for me." I stayed silent, I didn't know how to answer.

"I'm not letting them take you away Tae."

"But if they do, I wanna ask you something."

"What is it Tae?" I said removing my head from his chest and looking up at him.

"Am I your boyfriend?" He asked. I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I giggled. "Yes Tae."


It was the next day at lunch. Me, Jimin, and Tae sat together. I wanted to say it was like usual, but it wasn't. It felt like this was only the beginning of this long year we were gonna go through.

We all made small talk about our winter breaks since the atmosphere was still pretty thick. We continued with our lunch until we started hearing some heckling.

"You know Taehyung is on his last strike. One more fight and he's out of here." One guy said.

"Maybe we should get him into some trouble so I won't have to see his ass here anymore." Another spoke.

Taehyung looked at them maliciously. "Tae don't." I said to him.
"Look his boyfriends at his rescue again." Someone said and they started to laugh.

"Yeah and what about it?" I replied getting to my feet. A bunch of 'ohs' flew from the table.
"Kook sit down." Tae said with a laugh in his voice. I took a seat. "Your kinda cute when you're worked up." He whispered. I kind of got red.

"Let the two pansies jerk each other off." Kai said to the boys looking down at his food. They stopped.

"Who would've known all it took was Kai to get them to chill out?" Jimin said.
"They do whatever he says that's why. Glad I grew out of it."

The table grew quiet for some time before I broke the silence. "So Jimin Hyung," he looked up. "How was your winter break." I noticed him get apprehensive. I looked at him worriedly. "You okay Hyung?" I asked.
"Yea-yeah. It was fine I guess." He said looking back down at his food.

We sat in silence again until lunch was over and classes begun again.


I had chemistry now. Which I was glad about becuase I never had to run into any of Kai's gang, Hoseok, or even Tae and Jimin. But I did Lisa.
And we were still chem partners.

She skipped in with a group of her friends and came and stood beside me. Gave me a huge hug from the side and took a seat. "Hi Kookie." She said smiling brightly.
"Hey Lisa." I couldn't help but smile. She was still extremely pretty.

Our class didn't start until 5 minutes later so we had time to talk.
"What's it with you and getting into all of these fights kook?" She asked. "Taehyung is a horribly influence on you honestly. I think you should stop hanging with him. When he came in, there has been nothing but drama."

"He's not that bad lisa."

"Oh really?" She said. "That guy had been in like five fights since the break ended? And then getting you mixed all in it. And you're telling me that's not bad?"
"That doesn't make him a bad guy. He just had a lot of baggage that needs dealing with, and if that resolves in a fight then so be it."

"Why are you defending him all of a sudden? I thought you hated him?" She asked.
"Well I don't." I responded. "And he's a good guy, you all just don't know him."

"I'm pretty sure a lot of girls 'know him well'. And I've heard that he's far from a gentleman."

"Lisa can you stop? You always do this." I have no clue how this escalated so far from us just saying 'hi' 2 seconds ago. But since I was on this streak of telling people how I felt, I might as well get Lisa's part over and done with now.
She looked at me confusingly.

"You always put your two cents in. How about getting to know him first, the real him, he's not a bad guy, hes just misunderstood. that's all."
"Kook you are seriously acting weird, is he blackmailing you or something?"

"Lisa what the hell." I said looking at her slightly annoyed.

"I'm just asking! You're acting really different." She said throwing her hands up in defense.
"Not different, just a change of heart." I said looking away because I thought the conversation was done. She looked away as well.

A silent atmosphere was between us yet the rest of classroom was still noisy. Then she spoke again.
She whispered. "Are you and him like, a thing?"

I stopped breathing for a second.
But then  I remembered I was done with all of the secrets.

"Yes." I said lowly. "He's my boyfriend."

Lisa let out a little "oh."
"So that's why you didn't want to be with me anymore." She replied.
She couldn't be doing this again.

"You were the one who suggested we take a break, Lisa." I said to a bit louder. This time the whole room heard us.
"I thought it was because of our differences, not because you were interested in someone else."
"That was one of our differences!" I replied.

I took off my lab gear and threw it onto our table before I marched out the classroom, just as our teacher walked in.
"Where are you going Jeon." He asked.

"To get some air." I replied still walking.

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