11 : Goodnight, mysterious woman

Start from the beginning

The chimes which were hung on the door chimed indicating that a customer was in.

As we walked inside we saw how there were mini cabins on either sides of the restaurant.

We could hear the chatter of the people and the clatter of the cutlery.

We were then led to one of the cabins in the restaurant and we took our seats on the wooden chairs as I still took my time looking around, observing the little details of this small yet cozy restaurant which brings you a sort of comfort.

The buzzing every now and then of the music playing fades in the background as Jimin starts speaking.

"You seem to like this place Aera ssi?" He asked with a playful tone, wiggling his eyebrows in a fun manner.

"Mhm. This place is really cozy and I do indeed like it Jimin ssi". I replied.

With a knock on the cabins door it slides open and comes in a man who was a little taller to the man sitting in front of me.

Dressed in all black his blond hair rested on his forehead giving his skin an even paler look then it already has.

He wore a plain black hoodie with double stripe track pants black/white along with track black grey red sneakers.

"Oh, looks like you have company today,Jimin?" He asks in his hoarse voice with an brow arched perfectly.

"Yes, hyung". Jimin replied with his cheeks turning a light shade of pink to which the man laughed and teased him.

"Anyways, nice to meet you ,Aera ssi! Call me yoongi" he said flashing his gummy smile towards me with his hand raised towards me asking for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you too, Yoongi". I said smiling, shaking his hand.

"How do you know my name already though, if I may ask". I questioned with my brows slightly furrowed.

"Oh come on, Aera ssi! I don't live under a rock! Who in korea doesn't know you?" He exclaimed in a duh tone to which I nodded knowingly.

"Now , now what can I get for this beautiful couple right here?" He asked reaching for pocket of his apron from which he brought out notepad on which was attached a pen, flipping the notepad open he clicked the pen while we both blushed slightly at his choice of words.

While Jimin ordered his usual yoongi helped me pick out a suitable menu and now we made small talk while we waited for our orders to arrive.

"Yes and he never returned the lamp ever again". He completed his story about Yoongi and we burst out laughing.

"You guys seem to be really good friends how did you meet?" I asked resting my face on my palm as my elbow rested on the table which was in front of us.

"Hmm, I came to this restaurant years ago when it first started business, I was one of the very first customers actually! As I began visiting this restaurant more often and the time went by me and Yoongi Hyung just happened to become really good friends and ever since then we're still good friends". He finished with a smile which was brought on his lips after looking back to the time when him and Yoongi had most probably first met.

"He seems to be a really good guy indeed! I wish there was some way in which I could promote this restaurant more!" I said.

"Aera ssi you haven't even tried the food here and you say all of that?" Jimin shook his head and laughed.

"I mean you have a good choice of taste so I'm sure this restaurant must be just as good as the ones you took me to before?" I said and as if on cue with a knock the door of our cabin slid open and in came Yoongi with a trolley which had our steaming hot food.

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