Chapter twenty-four

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There will be a few things from the manga I will not write about just so I can move the story along faster and not bore everyone. I want to focus on what is happening with Yae right now. If you have read the manga, then you already know what Senku is doing at this time...which is talking to Taiju for the first time in a year.
Let's continue...

Yae, Chrome, Asagiri Gen, and Magma had run until nearly out of breath before finding a suitable hiding place. Whoever was chasing them would not give up so easily. The knot in Yae's stomach warned her as much.
"Why are we sneaking around in the bushes!" Magma roared. His brows furrowing and his cheeks burning red.
Yae turned on him. Her cheeks were also sharing a shade of red. "Shut the hell up!" Her whisper came out as forcefully as she could manage without yelling. She held her dagger to Magma's throat.
At first, Magma was shocked. He truly didn't think Yae had it in her to kill him. But as he smirked, he no sooner realized that he was right. Yae's threat was an empty one; she'd never kill him. "You're not going to kill me." His voice was lower, but the over-cockiness in his voice knew no bounds.
Yae raised one dark brow. "No, I won't." Her blade pressed against his throat harder. "But I sure as hell will damage your throat bad enough, you won't be able to talk for a week. Now be quiet!"
Magma glared at her. He believed her words.

Gen waved his head to get everyone's attention. "Ahem! The enemy is dear Ukyo. This guy has super hearing."
A light gasp came from Chrome. "Then where we're hiding a bad place!"
Gen grimaced at the sudden rustle when Chrome came to his realization. "Bingo." He said. "This is sure to get us got with all this racket."
"You mean..." Said Yae.
Gen nodded weakly. "Yes, it would appear as though we were led here."
"Shit." Gen did his best to keep his voice low. "Gen, you need to get back to the Kingdom of science. It's the only way to pull of the phone-based strategy as Tsukasa and his Empire."
"Think," said Yae. "We need a plan. Quick!"
"I have an idea." Magma offered to go first. "Let's have Chrome leap out."
Chrome shrugged. "Okay, and then what?"
"When that Ukyo guy comes, I'll just punch him. I'll hit him so hard that it'll kill him."
Yae hated the fact that Magma could probably finish someone off with one blow. She fought off the urge to roll her eyes and give him the biggest scoff. "No, Magma."
"Ah, I see." Chrome said, pausing for a moment. "NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT." From the irritated look on his face, it was clear that Magma's plan was not going to happen.
"What? You're just mad 'cause you'll be the only one to die. You jerk. You only think about yourself!"
Chrome fumed. "You're one to talk!" He accidentally yelled.
"Shh!" Asagiri Gem clamped both their mouths shut with his hands.

Everyone paused. Chrome's and Magma's yelling had disrupted the calmness of their hiding place.
"Wait a minute." Chrome started rummaging through his bag. He pulled out a battery. "Damn. We're supposed to give this extra batter to Taiju and Yuzuriha."
"Spill it, Chrome. Tell us about your plan already." Yae urged him.
Chrome nodded, wasting no more time. "We could use this battery as a smokescreen and noise. Science would be able to do it in an instant."
As they got to work on Chrome's plan, they barely had enough time to walk away before the battery exploded.
"Now!" Chrome took off running, and then Magma, making as much noise as possible. Yae was right behind them. She made sure to keep him in his sights just in case Ukyo decided to attack Chrome without remorse. This way, the two of them made enough noise for Gen to have a chance as escaping.
"If you don't make it back home after this, I'll murder you!" Magma gave it his to let the enemy exactly where they were.
Gen had become an excellent sprinter since waking up in the primitive world. From running away from Tsukasa and Hyoga, and enduring the countless tasks Senku gave him, Gen's stamina saw him back safely to the village.
"Well, dear Senku. Who's the first one I need to seduce?" He had arrived with Senku in the middle of talking over the phone.
"Gen! You made it back!" Suika cheered as she jumped up and down.

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