Chapter four

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Music rang through the air as Yae, Senku, and the others made their way to Ishigami village. With them, they had their cart that was full of the ramen they had all worked so hard to prepare.
It wasn't just the music that pulled the villagers from their homes, but the smell as well. There was a long line of them making their way across the bridge.
Yae was beside Senku, helping him prep the ramen. By the time the villagers reached them, they had five bowls lined up, ready for anyone to take.
"One foxtail millet ramen!" Senku brought forth a giant bowl to show off his amazing creation.
The villagers were more than eager to try out the new dish.
"May I have some too?" asked Ruby. "And are you the one who made this tasty food? OH! What kind of girls do you like?"
Yae caught wind of this naturally. She was standing close enough to hear the young village girl. Yae knew this shouldn't have bothered her, but it did. "WE made this tasty food!" Yae chimed in."
Senku, of course, was completely oblivious to the fact that she was flirting with him, that or he just didn't care. His response to her: "A girl who can pump a ton of oxygen into my furnace."
Yae held back a laugh while Kohaku commented on how Senku wasn't one to make small talk.

Chrome, on the other hand, was busy handing out more bowls. He approached Ginro and Kinro, trying to get them to try the ramen. Ginro seemed more than excited to try, however, Kinro held him back, going on about how rules were rules.
Even Suika was busy handing out food. Everyone was so excited to eat the ramen, which gave Yae hope for Senku. She was surprised how easy it was for her to become a part of them, but for Senku, it was the opposite. She felt bad for him.
"The response is amazing," Kohaku said walking up to the cart. "Everyone's coming over."
Senku chuckled. "That's not a problem. It only means I can work them that much harder." The look on his face was questionable.
"What a sketchy face," Kohaku said. "Careful, Yae. This one is definitely a weirdo."
Yae was about to say something back, but the voice of someone she had never heard before stopped her.
"Ah! This is making me thirsty for a cola."
This caught Senku's attention as well as he stopped mid-preparation of a new bowl. "Huh? Cola?"
Yae tapped her chin with her finger. "A cola? Does he mean, like a soda?" She slowly turned to Senku. "That's what it is, right?"
Senku was stiff.
"Senku, do you know him?" Kohaku asked.
"No." He slowly said.
The look in Kohaku's eyes changed suddenly. "I get it now. He's an enemy."

Simply by saying the word, Kohaku, Ginro, and Kinro raised their weapons at the newcomer.
"Answer truthfully, or I'll slit your throat here and now." Kohaku warned him. "Are you one of those long-haired man's underlings?"
The strange man was silent for a moment, and then he said, "Ya know, I wouldn't mind being taken out by a cute girl like you."
Hearing this annoyed Yae. How dare he mock the fierce Kohaku like that? She raised a fist, but Senku held her hand down. He only shook his head as he glanced over at her.
"But," Continued the man. "I think you have me confused with someone else." At last, he lifted his head and looked over at Senku. "I don't know anything about a long-haired man." He smirked. "I've been all alone ever since I woke up from being petrified."
Yae lightly gasped as Senku calm, and collected attitude remained the same.
"I thought I'd seen your face somewhere." Senku grinned and crossed his arms. "You're Asagiri Gen."
Kohaku whipped her head around. "So you do know him."
"Nope. Not at all." Senku told her. "He's a magician who used to write shitty psychology books."
The man named Asagiri seemed surprised. "Oh? You've read my work? I'm so happy to hear that. Calling it "shitty" hurts, though. You can call me a mentalist." He then apologized for taking the ramen. "And will you please lower your weapons?" He went on about how scared he was; that he was close to dropping the bowl of ramen.
This caught Ginro's attention and the young boy grabbed it right away. "I'll hold on to it for you!"
Kohaku did not seem convinced, though, and neither did Senku or Yae.
"I was out looking for food when suddenly I started to smell the nostalgic scent of ramen, and I wandered over.
Senku chuckled. "Sure, whatever. I'll take your word for it."
Yae looked at the young genius with surprise. "S-Senku?"
"Either way," Senku went on. "There's no such thing as free lunch. Everyone who has had ramen has work to do." He grinned.

n-3^07-! (I love you)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang