Chapter seven

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With the last bit of dignity left in Yae's bones, she pulled herself out of the pond and dabbed her body dry with a white cloth. All the while she muttered to herself about how perverted guys were.

Just as she was finishing drying herself off, Yae felt hot liquid run down her leg. A sinking feeling rested in the pit of her gut as she looked down as saw red.Oh great. She thought. Now I get to have my period. Yippy. She wiped the blood from her inner thigh.
Of all the things that could go possibly wrong, Mother Nature decided to grace Yae with her presence. No wonder she had been having such horrible cramps.
Cramps. She thought. Shit.
The first day was always the worst for her. Sometimes it was so bad that it caused her to miss school.
Why are stupid things like my period and school all that I can remember, but not anything else—nothing important!

Yae took the second piece of cloth that was smaller than the first and folded it a couple of times. She was going to use it to dry off the ends of her hair, but now she safely tucked it between her private and underwear, hoping it would stay put. And with the heat mixed in, today was going to be a very long day.

Next, she put on her clean clothes and wrung her hair, letting the water drip on her toes. Once she was done she put her hair into a braid, letting it fall over the side of her shoulder like usual. It was already so hot, but her flushed cheeks felt warmer. The feel of Senku touching her would forever be engraved into her memory.

On her way back to the village, Yae stopped to visit the statue of the weeping woman from before. She picked a purple flower just as she did then and placed it atop the head of the statue. Yae was going to make this a usual thing—visiting the weeping woman.
Yae couldn't imagine what would be like to be frozen in time, forever crying, and always sad. Then again, perhaps the woman was only sleeping like she was before she was freed from her petrified state.
According to Senku, he was awake for the entirety of last 3700 years! And he counted! It was hard to believe, but Yae took his word for it. Senku was many things, but he wasn't a liar.

With that all that in mind, Yae turned away from the statue and stopped abruptly. There, standing a few feet from her, was a goat. It pulled at the grass, chewing slowly and staring blankly at Yae, as if it didn't care that she was so close to it.
"Hi there little..." She glanced down at its utters. "Little miss."
Yae slowly and carefully approached it, reaching her hand out to pet its head. When the goat did not jerk away from her touch, Yae was grateful. A curious grin spread across her face as she got a brilliant idea. "You look healthy. I wonder if I can make cheese out of your milk."
Indeed. Yae had cheese on the brain and even though she didn't remember when last she ate it, she could remember the taste, and damn did she miss it!
"What should I call you, little one?" She tapped her chin with her finger, pondering in thought. "How about Furo? It's short for furomaju." She patted the goats head again and smiled. "C'mon, Furo. Our friends are waiting!"

When Yae returned to the outskirts of the village where Chrome's hut was, she found Kohaku practicing with the brothers again.
Chrome, Senku, and Suika were standing near, watching.
"Woah!" Said Chrome eyeing the goat. "Where did you find the goat?"
"About a mile south from here," Yae answered him. "I've noticed the village doesn't have a goat, so I took the liberty of taking Furo home with me."
Senku smirked as he held his hand to his mouth to try and hide his chuckling. "Furo, ya say? Do you mean Furomaju? Nice." He put his hand back down to reveal his ever grinning face.
"I thought it was clever," Yae said.
"What are you going to do with the goat, Yae?" Suika asked.
Yae knelt to be eye-level with Suika and said, "I'm going to make this wonderful thing called cheese."
"Cheese?" Suika cocked her head to the side in wonder. "What's that?"
Senku walked up to Furo and attempted to pet her head, but the young goat snapped at him. "Shit! What the hell? I think this goat is broken!"
Yae giggled. "Maybe she just doesn't like you."
"Wouldn't be the first time." Senku sighed, keeping his hands far away from Furo. "So cheese, huh? I'm excited to try the cheese once you perfect it." He then turned to face Chrome. "As I was saying before: the first man-made material in synthesized using science."
"Oh! Are you guys talking about glass?" Yae chimed in.
Senku nodded. "Exactly. You get a billion points for that guess, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised."He chuckled a bit.
"What's that?" Chrome asked.
Senku dodged the question and got straight to the point. "Clay pots are no longer going to cut it if we want to make our cure-all sulfa drug."
"Good idea, Senku." Said Yae and then looked to Chrome. "Glass can stand up to just about any chemical. It's really cool."
Senku snapped his fingers. "Right you are again, Yae. Glass is the foundation of chemistry. It'll be ten billion percent easy to process!"
"And since we'll be able to see through glass we can watch what the chemicals are doing inside." Yae continued.
"Really?" Chrome's eyes lit up. "That's great!"
"And to top it all off, once we have glass, we might finally get the chance to yank at that headpiece." He peered down at Suika. "We'll finally be able to see Detective Suika's true face."

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