Chapter ten

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Kinro stepped up to Magma, his weapon at his side.
"Is that watermelon mask of yours sorcery?" asked Magma. "That's against the rules."
Kinro nodded. "Rules are rules. We'll have to ask and confirm."
Magma sighed, an expression of being at ease looked forced. "I can barely speak. The match is over. Ask Jasper. If he agrees then I accept my loss."
Kinro turned, asking Jasper if the events that had just transpired were against the rules. "Referee, the mask was clearly thrown in by Suika to help me. Knowing that, I still wore it. If I have broken the rules, then I've lost. The rules are rules."
Jasper cocked his head to the side and thought for a moment. "You didn't throw it at him or anything. The mask is just an article of clothing. Therefore..." But before he could finish his sentence, Magma bolted toward Kinro and slammed him hard.

Poor Suika's mask broke into pieces and laid sprawled out.
Yae put her hands over her mouth and gasped. "That should be considered cheating!" She blurted out. "Magma was already on his knees! He basically gave up! What gives?"
Without looking at her, Senku clutched her arm, signaling her to stop. He then let go of her and Yae shut her mouth tight. She was pissed.
"I knew you'd go and ask!" Magma shouted. "You're a fucking proper one, huh, Kinro? You just can't help it."
Jasper looked unimpressed. Still, he had to call the match. "Winner is Magma!"
"Damn, that dirty bastard!" Chrome slammed his fist into his palm.
Yae nodded in agreement. But before she could say anything, Ginro ran up to his brother.
"Kinro! Kinro!" He cried.
Kinro struggled to open his eyes. "I'm sorry."
"Thank goodness you're alive!"
Senku sighed. "Well, whatever the case, this is a team battle. As long as someone beats Magma, we win."
"Yeah," Yae agreed. "I'm sure that match did a number on him. Maybe we really do stand a chance?"
Senku gave her one nod. "That's what matters the most."

The match had barely been over when the next battle was called.
"Round two: Chrome and Mantle." Jasper raised his arm to signal the fight. "Forward."
Chrome looked surprised. "Oh, I'm up."
"You can do it, Chrome!" Yae bumped fists with him.
Senku picked at his ear. "I'm more worried about the next match. If Kohaku doesn't get back in time, she'll be disqualified."
Suika scanned the area for Kohaku. Come to think of it, she hadn't seen her beautiful lioness friend. "Where exactly is Kohaku?"
"She ran off earlier to look for you." Ginro explained.
"What?" Suika spun around. "Oh no! I have to go find her!" The poor girl didn't get far as she had fallen over her own feet.
"Sit still," Senku told her. "You can't see anything without your glasses."

The match between Chrome and Mantle was less than impressive. It looked like two children fighting over a toy.
Yae was busy keeping her sights on Magma though. The creep was talking to himself again. And as he looked over, Yae finally noticed what—or rather who—he had seen.
Running across the bridge was Kohaku. She was close!
"Mantle!" Magma cried. "Lose." He took his finger and slid it across his own throat. "Right now!"
Mantle smiled creepily and fell over. "Oh, spare me! I'm so scared! Mercy!"
"And the winner is: Chrome!"
Yae took a step toward the bridge. Kohaku was nearly there! "Come on, Kohaku!"
"Third match." Jasper started. "Due to Kohaku's absence, the winner is Senku!"
Yae felt her stomach flop. It was all over now!
"She didn't make it back in time!" Suika's eyes filled with tears.
Kohaku fell to her knees, exhausted from running. "Thank goodness you're alright." She brought Suika into a tight embrace. "I'm so glad Mantle was lying. All that matters is that you didn't drown."
Suika's voice was small and trembling. "I'm sorry, Kohaku. You lost because of me."
"There is nothing we can do about that. now. Besides, this was not your fault."
Yae breathed a sigh of relief and looked back at Senku. He seemed calm enough, but he quickly became serious.
"Now that we no longer have Kohaku, the only real fighting chance we have left is, Ginro the guard. You're all we've got."
"Ginro the guard..." Ginro mumbled.
Chrome whispered to Kohaku and Yae. "Does Ginro really stand a chance against Magma?"
"To be honest, it'll be tough."
Yae scratched her head. "Oh great..."

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