Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The air was stiff as Yae inhaled. Her whole body shivered as an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. She had left Tsukasa to think about what she said.
"I'm not angry. I'm disappointed."
Her own words echoed through her ears. The Tsukasa she remembered would have never put other people's lives in danger. But this was the Stone Age and he had become power-hungry. More than anything, Yae wanted to save him from whatever was poisoning his mind. She clenched her fists as Hyoga ran through her thoughts. He'd have to be the first thing to go if she wanted the old Tsukasa back.

Tsuaka's Empire was impressive. The more Yae walked around, the less hope for Senku's plan of no bloodshed seemed to shrink. Whatever Senku was working on on the other side, she hoped it wouldn't crumble and fail.
"A four-leaf clover!" Yae heard Chrome from around the corner. She decided it was best to check on him and see how the young scientist was doing. She found him sifting through sticks and plants on the ground. The guards were still there, but they hadn't the faintest idea what he was doing.

Yae walked up to the barred cage. One of the guards stared at her, one eye twitching. This bothered her none and she stared back, never blinking. The brutish guard finally looked away, unable to look Yae in the face any longer.

"Don't get any funny ideas." He told her looking straight ahead.

Yae cocked her head to the side. "Oh? And what ideas would that be?" But the guard never responded and she walked the rest of the way up to Chrome's prison. She crouched, grasping the wooden bars, and lowered her voice to a whisper.
"What are you doing?" she asked Chrome.
Chrome said nothing but put a finger to his lips. She had a good idea that he was planning some kind of escape, and these boneheads guarding him were too stupid to carefully watch what he was doing. Yae said nothing, of course, and continued watching him.
"Whatever it is you're doing, don't get yourself hurt." She whispered. Chrome nodded. "If you do get hurt, I don't think I'll be able to help you. My weapons are gone." Chrome nodded again. "Be safe, Chrome. I'd never be able to forgive myself if something terrible happened to you."

This time Chrome looked over his shoulder, his eyes gleaming with mischief. He seemed self-assured that whatever he was planning, would work.
Yae stood, her hands resting on her hips. "Boy, this prison is built really well." She said in her normal tone of voice. She gave it a good pat. "You'll be safe in for sure Chrome. No one is getting in, or out." Yae was never much of an actress, but she supposed this little performance of hers was enough to deter the guards away from whatever Chrome had planned. "I'll come to visit you again. Goodbye, Chrome."

Much later that evening, Yae was given her own tent to sleep in. Unfortunately, guards were standing right outside. Tsukasa's Empire of the young and pure-hearted dwindled compared to the feral men and women he has scattered around his base. She tried to sleep, but couldn't. There was too much on her mind when an unexpected commotion stirred in the air. There was yelling, and lots of it.

Swiftly, Yae took to her feet and dashed out of the tent. The guards that were once there were now running toward the squall brewing on the other side of the base. Without hesitation, she followed. When she reached the prison, Chrome was gone, and the bars had been dismantled. Yo was beside himself and shocked at the sudden disappearance.
"Where the hell did he go?" Yo cried.
Yae picked up twigs that had been strewn together. "It would appear that your monkey-brained prisoner outsmarted you all by making a fire." She smirked at Yo.
"And I suppose you had nothing to do with this?" He sneered at her. Yae smiled innocently at him. "I'm going to run that little shit down and bring him back! He'll wish he'd never been born!" He looked at the remaining men standing by. "You two restrain her from leaving this area." He took off immediately after Chrome.
Yae grumbled as reluctantly let the two men hold her by the arms. She could have easily slipped from their grip, but if she attempted to escape, it would only put Chrome in more danger. If she stayed behind, perhaps Chrome's punishment would be less severe. And she hoped Yo would fail in bringing Chrome back.

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