Chapter twenty-three

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Senku's plan fell into motion as the explosion went off.
"Run!" Senku gave the signal, and Yae, Magma, Gen, and Chrome took off as fast as they could to gain as much ground as possible before Homura noticed. "Do it now while the enemy is distracted by the sound bombs!"
"We'll deliver that exclusive cellphone even if it kills us!" Chrome assured them.

Magma didn't like the idea they were running away from a fight. "Why do we gotta sneak out like this anyway?"
"Has the plan gone completely over your head, Magma?" Yae jabbed her finger at him.
"Homura is likely to pursue us if she spots us," Asagiri explained.
Chrome spoke up. "We broke our backs making this cellphone. And if our cover's blown, it's all over."
Magma clenched his fists. "If Homura gets in our way, we'll kill her. There, problem solved!"
A vein popped over Yae's brow. "You simple-minded..." She didn't bother finishing her insult.
"Indeed." Said Asagiri. "Though surely this ruse will rouse her from her hiding spot."
Yae continued to fight deep snow as she walked. She smirked. "If I didn't know any better, Gen, I'd say you were pretty excited about this."
He chuckled. "Maybe. After all, they're especially wary of our gunpowder, am I right? So after they hear those explosions, the scout will have no choice but to investigate."
Yae gave him a toothy grin. "I do love a deceitful plan."

Meanwhile, Suika and Kohaku observed the forest up in the observatory.
"If she shows herself, she'll be somewhere between that hill and the bomb zone."
A high pitched gasp escaped Suika's mouth. "Suika sees someone moving super fast!"
Kohaku immediately took action and jumped from the observatory. She took off running like the true lioness she is and sprinted toward Homura, their target.
The small girl dressed in pink was easy enough to spot in the pure white snow. Kohaku unsheathed her dagger, closing the gap between her and Homura. But Homura saw this and dodged Kohaku's swift attack as she jumped into the air, bending backward effortlessly. If Kohaku wanted to succeed, she would need more than her blade to get the job done.
"I'm not trying to kill you," Kohaku called out to her.
Homura didn't even bother glancing back. "I know."
"Then why don't you just come quietly?" She wanted to know.
"Why should I?" Homura answered her question with another question.

All of that running and talking was not all for nothing. Kohaku managed to lead her back towards the village.
"They're coming this way!" Suika called out at the top of her lungs so everyone could hear her.
Not far from the action, Senku ran at top speed, a device in his hands. He tossed it into the air and aimed it at Homura as she made her way to him. "Curious to know what this is? Turn your peepers this way and stare real hard at my shocking science item level two." He shielded his eyes with safety gear. "The flash grenade!"
A flash of light lit up the surrounding area, blinding anyone standing too close. Homura fell from her position, blinded. Senku took this as his opportunity and pounced on her.
"Senku is as weak as a flea, but he did it," Ginro said.
"Yay! That was so cool, Senku." Suika praised him.
Homura craned her head to look back at Senku. "Watch where you're touching me!"
Senku rolled his eyes and smirked. "That won't work on me. After our scientific civilization is up and running, there will be plenty of men you can flirt with there. Besides, I already have someone."
Homura pursed her lips, none too pleased with the situation.

The hold-down didn't last long though, as Homura quickly, and with ease, gave Senku the slip, quiet literally. The poor scientist's feet flew right over his head, and he landed fast first into the snow.
"Weak as a flea!" Ginro cried
Homura dodged passed everyone and jumped back into a tree where she was safe for now.
"This is not a matter of strength." Said Kokuyo. "It's the way this woman moves!" Everyone looked up at her, dazed and shocked. She started naming off everyone who was there, counting the heads of all those who wished to stop her from doing her job.
"Where...?" Her voice was caught in her throat as she suddenly realized those who were missing and took off in a mad dash.
"It seems she figured out that our mission team has moved on." Said Kinro.
Ginro's eyes grew double in size. "This is real, real bad!"

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