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"What a day."

Kuroo slumped against the silver couch, loosening his tie that was around his neck. He had just came back from an hour and a half drive with Kenma to secure a deal with some of his new employers.

"I can't believe that we spent that much time out there only to catch half a million dollars." Kenma muttered, obviously irritated about the outcome of it.

"Don't be so cheap Kenma," he rolls his eyes at the bedhead, "Half a million is better than the initial 100k offer by a long shot."


Kenma lays on his back on the other couch, sighing as his eyes wandered to the ceiling. 

"Going out and making that deal was still better than staying here all cooped up."

"Right?" Kuroo says, "Maybe we should call some girls over, wouldn't you like that Kenma?"

"Ugh," Kenma turned to his side, hiding his face of disgust, "All these girls that you guys bring over have been nothing but whores."

"Isn't that what you like though?"

Kenma turns back around, shooting a glare at Kuroo. "For your information, I like women who actually think for themselves than agreeing to have sex with us."

"You say that, and you still have a one night stand."

"You're unbelievable." Kenma turns back around, facing the couch again.

"Unbelievably right, and you know that."

Kenma swears at him, telling him to lay off. It caused the two of them to subtly argue with each other and their choices and decisions with women in the past; afterwards, hearing the two argue, Akaashi and Bokuto appear in the living-area.

"Y'all gonna fight or..." Bokuto's presence made the two roll their eyes; it was common for them to have a little dispute, and Bokuto always wanted them to fight it out for some reason.

"Shut up Koutarou," Kuroo says, letting his arms fall on the couch's exterior, "Kenma and I are just arguing about his boredom and women."

"Tetsurou won't shut the fuck up." 

"You said you were bored, and all I suggested was that you go get a call-girl or something; you always say you don't want one, and you end up calling one in the end."

"Well this time is different, okay?" Kenma sighs, "I'm tired of laying around with random women."

It was strange coming from a reclusive man such as Kenma, but it was a thought that all of the men shared. 

Even Tsukishima.

The blond male comes down the stairs, his hand running down the banister while a scowl enveloped his lips.

"You are all so loud; I can hear you in the study room."

Tsukishima walked over to where the rest of the men were; he was pissed off because he was working on some files that needed to be done, but he couldn't focus due to the lack of silence.