Chapter 30

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Author's pov:

While marinette was talking to Mullo she did not know that all 3 of her lovers were listening with there powers. "Guys as much as I don't want to be away from marinette we can't just let her trap us in her necklace." Kagami said while sitting on her bed with Luka and adrien on the floor infront of her. "We know kagami but how will we get out of this?" Luka replied.

"Oh I got it! What if we trick her into thinking we are in her necklace. Then we will be able to kill and stalk again!" Adrien said in a enthisastice tone. "But how only marinette can cast spells!" Luka said.

"Well actually you guys, you can cast one spell we have. That will copy your bodies and make you disappear some were else." Plagg said before stuffing his small mouth with cheese. "Well ok but you have to be careful, because if you say it wrong it might kill all 3 of you." Which made all 3 of them shiver at the thought of loosing there life.

"Wait what if we trick marinette then become spirits who can kill." Sass suggested. "Well I like that idea except you all know how we can't spend too much time away from marinette." Kagami said sadly, "Well you guys won't have to worry about that because when you cast the spell you will forget her along with eachother." Plagg said.

All 3 gasped at the news, and then started to think, there was 2 options either forget marinette completely or be trapped in her locket for eternity. After 5 minutes of silence all 3 sighed then said at the same time "How do we perform the spell."

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