Axel had walked over to us by now and sat down on the sofa opposite me.

"Where is she? The witch" his curious tone made Xander turn towards him.

"She'll be here any minute. Why don't you both go freshen up. The boarding house has been cleaned up for you" he did nothing to camouflage the grimm expression on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing" he shook his head.

I didn't respond. I just leaned back and continued looking at him. This usually worked. And it did.

He ran his hand through his hair and sat down on the sofa beside Axel.

"One of our men got attacked " he looked back at the blonde haired man standing beside him who reflected the same expression as him.

"How?" Axel looked back and forth between the men beside him.

"Hunters" Xander began getting fidgety, tapping his foot, licking his lips.

I looked over at Axel, he had his head down pinching the bridge of his nose. I knew he had something on his mind. He probably wasn't comfortable enough to say anything about in front of Xander and the other man.

"Now what?" I looked at Xander with a serious look. He was one of the sweetest men I knew, but when it came to defending his pack and his people, he could be the most ruthless person.

"Stefan here will show y'all to the house" he glanced at the blonde haired man beside him. "I have some stuff to take care of. Excuse me." He turned around and disappeared in seconds.

I knew he was trying very hard to contain his anger. I was surprised how he managed to contain himself that long and not snap.

I glanced at Axel who had stood up to follow Stefan, I gestured him to carry on and ran after Xander.

I walked down a long hallway only to enter a huge hall. It was surrounded by glass on all sides, it wasn't hard to spot Xander standing outside on the porch with his hands on his hips. My ears focused on his rapid heartbeats as I walked towards the back door.


He turned around to look at me. His eyes held a kind of anger I hadn't seen in a while.

"Don't" his tone had a warning in them as his eyes started getting yellow by the second. I knew exactly what was happening so I took a few steps back.

His shirt ripped apart as his shoulders began expanding and fangs started getting more and more visible . His nails started shooting out getting darker and longer until they were sharp enough to rip through anything in sight. His pants were nothing but rags on the floor.

Within a matter of seconds his clothes were lying ripped on the floor and Xander stood before me as a full fledged wolf. He was tall, dark grey. Absolutely majestic. He just stood there for a few seconds staring out at the forest infront of him and took off running. I stood there watching him run until he disappeared into the green abyss.

I took a step out to feel the cold breeze.

"Sage?" I turned around to find a pair of green eyes staring at me.

"Yes" I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

She gave me a warm smile. And pushed herself off the door frame she was leaning against and walked towards me.

"My name's Arabella" she reached her hand towards me to shake and I did the same.

The minute my hand touched hers her smile faded away and she looked down at my hand with furrowed brows. She put her other hand over mine as well and focused on it for a second before letting go slowly and looking back at me.

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