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"BUT OH WHY DO I HAVE TO BE STUCK HERE WITH YOU!!" After Amane's shouting fit, the other clenched her right chest as if she's feeling her heart break into pieces.

"You really hate me that much, huh?" The shorter female was distraught and couldn't help but frown at the sight of the boy she wanted to befriend with, panting from the heavy words he said to her.

Amane expected her to shout back since they were used to fighting and screaming at each other. But he was wrong, he received something he might regret for the rest of his life.

'No, that's not what I meant to say. It's just that I'm very anxious to be stuck here alone with you, U/N.' He thought as he clenched his fist and averted his eyes from her.

He may not see it clearly but from the sides of his vision, he knew that there were tears streaming down her eyes. He messed up yet again. How can he apologise to someone who NOW hates him?

"I guess we're stuck here for a while, I should try finding some shelter since the weather report told us that it will rain tonight." Y/N started to walk around the enormous rooftop, trying to find shelter.

Shelter wasn't actually the reason she wanted to walk off, it was because she remembered the days her parents yelled at each other and to herself as well. 'What did I do wrong? I was only trying to help. Why is he so... cruel?' She thought as she wiped away a few drops of tears from her cheek.

Amane wasn't in a great situation at all. His realisation came to him a few minutes after she walked away. 'All this time, she's been trying her best to befriend me and all I do is push her away.' Then suddenly, a tear came out from his amber eyes.

Amane knelt down, with his hands on the ground, silently crying as his tears fell down the floor. 'I'm sorry, U/N. Please forgive me.'

Drip... drop... drip... drop.... the rain started to drizzle. He felt the water touch his clothes and skin. 'Y/N might have found a shed by now.' He thought as he stood up and looked around.

'Maybe I shouldn't go. She needs space doesn't she?'

'How do I fix this?'

'I need to apologise but how?'

'Will she forgive me for what I've said?'

'Will she even forget about it tomorrow?'

'Maybe I should talk to the aliens and beg them to erase her memory-'

Amane then stopped dead on his tracks when he found Y/N passed out on the floor.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no!! Y/N!!" He shouted and quickly ran to her. The taller male's worried expression never left his face as he lifted the female in a bridal style.

Her hot skin touched his cold ones, telling Amane that she's got a high fever from crying and getting exposed at the heavy rain pouring down. Amane didn't care if his whole body's wet anymore, the only thing that matters to him at that moment was Y/N.

As the taller male looked around, his vision never failed to surprise him. There was an old shed built a few meters from the edge of the rooftop. He ran as fast as he could, still relieved that Y/N wasn't that heavy at all. What does he expect from a famous shut in gamer anyway?

He turned the doorknob and saw used up tools for gardening and construction. He was lucky enough that there was a vacant space in the middle of the shed.

He gently placed Y/N down with her head resting on his bag, Amane sat beside her and thought of something to cure her fever even just for a little. The taller male noticed the other shuddering from the cold, he then remembered what Yashiro gave him this morning.

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