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It was a quiet evening like any other day. Y/N already finished her normal 8:00 live-stream. Nothing exciting happened in the game.

Except for the fact that she had 3 straight pentakills in a row. But it didn't matter to her.

"School's tomorrow." The gamer's E/C eyes reflected the light of the starry sky. Y/N somehow didn't want to go tomorrow, remembering that time when her one and only friend left her.

But her eyes beamed with joy after seeing her phone buzz, 'Tsukasa-kun" was on the screen.

Without any hesitation, Y/N quickly answered the phone with a calm hello.

"Goodevening, Y/N!! Did you eat, yet? Are you excited for tomorrow?" Tsukasa greeted with his usual tone.

"Yes, I've eaten. And yes, I'm excited for tomorrow." She lied but brushed it off with a faint chuckle.

"My brother's playing again... he's not paying attention to me at all fufufufu" Tsukasa whined over the phone. Ranting a lot about that 'Amane' guy.

"Why? Is he glued to that game again?" The gamer laughed as she went to the fridge to get her F/D.

"He's always obsessed with that game!! He's great and all, but Amane's not even accepting everything given to him!! He's very arrogant, too" Tsukasa heaved a deep sigh as flopped in his bed.

"I hope you'll become his friend and stop him from being glued to the screen, Y/N. You're such a nice person, he'll like you for sure!! But not the other way around, haha!!" He added.

"Of course I'll be!! I'm not some chump who'll just sit there and watch anyway!!" Y/N responded with a giggle to brighten up the mood.

"Anyways goodnight, Y/N!! See you tomorrow!!" Tsukasa yawned.

"Goodnight, Tsukasa-kun." With that, he ended the call. Leaving you all smiley and giddy for a while.

Y/N decided to sleep early since she didn't want to be late tomorrow. Hearing Tsukasa's voice just changed her mood from worried to excited.

The gamer turned off the lights and slept like there was no tomorrow.



You heard your alarm clock shout out loud but you still didn't want to get out of the bed.




" YOU FCK*NG ALARM CLOCK, I'LL BREAK YOU" The gamer was supposed to throw it, realising it was her phone.

Y/N was used to curse a lot when waking up early, so the neighbours got used to it.

Her eyes went to the direction of her wall clock reading 6:05 AM. She only had exactly an hour to prepare herself.

With that, you brushed your teeth first and took a 25 minute warm bath to calm you down.

After changing onto your uniform you realised on how gorgeous you looked like with the school's uniform.

"I bought a lot of food last week but I still haven't eaten half of them. How do I make lunch again?" You completely forgot to cook food since the only things you ate throughout the summer was instant noodles and read-to-cook food.

Y/N decided to make some omelette, bacon and rice for lunch. She then proceeded to cook the mixed egg, remembering what her father taught her.

After cooking all them, she packed the food to her neatly designed bento box and place it inside her bag. Everything was all set as she set foot outside her apartment room.

The sight of the city was outstanding. Despite living on the third floor. The sun was rising majestically and the air was fresh to breathe in.

The gamer checked the time reading 6:54 AM. She was still early so she took her time to go down the stairs her mind wandering off to what she will say to Tsukasa when they meet.

The school wasn't that far and was just a few blocks from her apartment building so she was able to walk on her own without using a bicycle or a train.

Y/N could already see the huge ass school in front of her. A crowd of students were entering the gate with their friends.

You gripped your bag tightly as you could, getting nervous on each step you take. 'Will I be able to enjoy myself this school year?' Y/N thought trying to find a friend to talk to.

The gamer's eyes trailed off to a certain person taller than her, his amber eyes never failed to mesmerise you. Y/N liked the way on how his nose twitched everytime a person walked by in front of him.

But he was more different than the first time you saw him. Tsukasa was more of an active person himself. But he was just standing there with that blank expression of his.

He had a patch in his left cheek. His hands were tucked to his pockets, his back leaning at the post. His eyes gazing everywhere, like he's waiting for someone.

Y/N found it weird but approached the taller male anyway.

Step by step, the gamer began to feel a familiar vibe coming from him. The feeling of loneliness, she presumed. But how? Y/N knew that Tsukasa was more of the giddy type of person.

She shook it off and went closer to her male friend to greet him goodmorning.

"Tsukasa-kun!! Ohayo!!" You greeted with a wave as his head turned to you.

"Uhm-" he was cut off from your additional response.

"Woah, you got taller from the last time we met!! Your eyes are even darker than before!!" You added with a faint chuckle.

'Come to think of it, he's not replying fast to my greetings like he used to.'

"Oh yeah, Tsukasa-kun. Where's your brother?" You tried to change the topic. But ends up having the silent treatment.

After a while, both of you were quiet until you finally snapped out.

"Okay, Tsukasa-kun. wHaT'S GoInG oN wItH yOu" you began.


"I'm not Tsukasa though." He finally spoke.


Yeeeyyyy it's crappy ;3;

I can't believe ya'll still reading this thoughhhh fufuffufuf QAQ

Fun fact: While I was writing this story while listening to Tabidachi No Uta (the song that played when Koro Sensei was dying) while looking at the moon ;w;

Bruh the feeeelsssssss

Stay tuned!!


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