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I didn't know where I was going, but I had to get out.
Soda just sold me out to my parents without even knowing it!
I'm dead in a matter of days!
I need to hide but I have no idea where to go.

My parents will come to the Curtis' house and request to see me and won't leave until they get what they want.
I need to actually deal with them, that's the only way they'll leave me alone.
I'll finally stand up for myself and get rid of them, for good.

I was still running when I saw the same blue mustang pull up towards me from the week before.
I kept running but they caught up to me.
"Well what do we have here" it was Bob again. "Fuck off Bob" I spat at him.
"Woah woah no need to be nasty" Bob said getting out of the car now.
I tried to look for a way out but now I was surrounded, "unless you want to" Bob said finishing.
"You make me sick" I said to him and he just laughed.
"Yeah well we'll see who's sick in a second" he said and held a blade to my neck.

There's no one to help me now.
I'm all alone.

At this point I accepted death.
I didn't yell or try to fight and break free, all I said was "go ahead, cut me, it's better that way for everyone if I were dead".
And the next thing I knew, there was a fresh cut on my neck and an unconscious Bob on the side of the street.

Dallas POV
I was walking to the Curtis' house when I heard a familiar voice say "it's better that way for everyone if I were dead".
It was Y/n, and a group of Socs were attacking her!

I ran over as quick as I could and punched Bob straight in the face, knocking him out.
The rest of the guys surrounding Y/n ran back to their mustang, picked up Bob, and drove off.
Y/n was frozen, slowly comprehending what just happened.
"What-?" Y/n was questioning when I said "you're ok you're safe now" and hugged her.
We stayed like that until we heard footsteps behind us.
We let go and looked to see Soda and Steve.
Y/n ran over to them and gave them a hug and said "I'm sorry guys you didn't know, it's not your fault".
I was clearly confused and Steve said "I'll explain later".
I nodded and we walked back to the Curtis' house while Steve explained the whole box situation.

Everything was happening so fast.

Too fast.

I needed to come up with a plan on how I was going to defend myself against my parents, and was I just asking the Socs to kill me?
Man I never knew I would steep that low.

After Dally came to my rescue, the four of us walked to the Curtis' and the rest of the gang was there.
I explained to them what happened with the package, and that I needed help coming up with a plan to protect myself.

"Well the package will probably take about 5 days to get to them, and a day and a half for travel, so they'll arrive in about a week" I told them.
"That's how long we have to make a plan and execute it".
They all nodded, thinking.

I was shaking a bit, still recovering from earlier, and Dally was holding me.
I didn't want my parents to hurt me, or the gang, when they come.

"We could beat them up" Dally suggested.
"No way really?" I asked sarcastically, and he rolled his eyes.
"Maybe we can make a set up and get them arrested?" Pony suggested.

That actually sounded like a pretty good idea, so I tried to continue that thought, "Ok, but what?".
That made everyone quiet again, so Dally said "we could kill them".

Wow he's being real helpful.

"Sure if you want a life sentence in the cooler over those morons" I said back coldly.
"I think we got it" Johnny said, and he and Pony explained their idea for a set up.

It was perfect.

We planned everything out and then went to sleep since it was late. Everyone slept over that night.

I need this plan to work, because if it doesn't, it's the end of my life.

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