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I was speechless.
I truly had no idea.

Was I really not as observant as I thought I was?

"Oh uh, I didn't know" I stuttered.
He looked down, disappointed.
"I'm sorry, I'm gonna go" I said getting up.

I ran to Dally's place and walked inside.
"Back so soon?" Someone asked.
It was Buck.
"Is Dallas here?" I asked ignoring his question. "Yeah he's in his room"
"ok thanks" I said and walked upstairs.

I opened the door to his room and walked inside, and Dally looked up at me surprised.
"Hi?" he said confused by my presence,
He could tell I was stressing out about something, and he stood up and pulled me towards him, holding onto my body to try and calm me down.

"What's wrong doll?" He asked calmly.
I smiled to myself from his reaction, it was almost like he had a soft spot for me.

"Soda just told me he likes me" I blurted out.
Dally just looked annoyed.
"Well" he started, "do you like him?".

I looked up into his eyes, and then quickly looked back down again.
"I think I like someone else" I said, almost a whisper.
"Well doll, I like you" he said to me.

Oh my god.
Dallas Winston likes me!?

I was extremely shocked by his honesty, no wonder he and Soda were constantly fighting when I was around.

He let go of me and tilted my chin up to have me face him.
Then he leaned forward and kissed me.

He again surprised me, but I couldn't help myself but to kiss him back.
I broke our kiss for a second to say
"I like you too".

I really do like Dallas.
Giving him that second chance was one of the best choices I'd ever made.

We continued kissing, and eventually were laying down on his bed together cuddling.
"So" I said after I'd been at his place for a few hours, "what does this make us?".
He was silent for a few minutes, and I began to play with his hair.
"Well I mean, this ain't fancy or anything but, you wanna be my girl?" He finally asked me.
"Of course I would" I said, my heart beating fast and a smile growing across my face.

I rested my head on his chest, just trying to relax in the calm of his room.
But even with our comfortable silence, my mind was racing.

What will Soda think?
Will everyone hate us?
What if they don't accept us?

"Baby, is it ok if we don't tell the gang right away? I don't want Soda to hate me right now" I asked him.
"Sure" he said placing a kiss on my forehead.

Soda POV
She ran off.
What have I done?

My mind was spiraling and I was interrupted by Steve returning to our table.
"Hey man I saw Y/n run off, is everything ok!?" "No" I said quickly, "I told her my feelings for her and she ran off!".
I was feeling sad and confused all at once, and Steve could tell.
He put his hand on my shoulder and said "hey Soda it's ok calm down, I think she was just taken by surprise and didn't know how to react. She just ran away because that's all she's known her entire life, you know that! It's ok man, c'mon let's go back to your place".
"Ok" I said numbly and we walked back silently.

Maybe she was confused, maybe she's never been in love and doesn't know if she likes me or Dally?

Well if I want her to like me I need to do something that would impress her.

"Steve" I said, "I have an idea" and we ran back to the house.

It was getting kind of late so I decided to leave Dally's place and go back to the Curtis'.
I got back luckily without being jumped.
I walked into my room and I felt something was off.
I made my way to the kitchen where Darry was making dinner and asked
"hey Dar, did you move my box?".
"Um, which box again?" He asked
"so no" I said and went to ask Soda if he'd seen it.

Soda POV
Earlier that day

"Wait so what's the plan again?" Steve asked as I was carrying Y/n's box to the post office.
"I need to do something to impress Y/n so I'm mailing her box for her dog like she talked about".
"Oh right ok" he said finally understanding.
Y/n was going to be so happy that I mailed it for her.


Steve and I were in my room just talking when  Y/n barged in and asked
"have you guys seen my box? Ya know for my dog?".
"Oh about that..." Steve said trailing off,
"I mailed it for you, so you didn't have to" I said finishing for him.

Her face filled with anger.

"You what!?" she yelled at us.
She started to breathe heavily and she asked frantically "did you put a return label on it?".
"Um yeah?" I answered confused by her reaction.
"Oh my god no!" Y/n yelled and walked away to her room.
Steve and I looked at each other with confused expressions.
We got up to go talk to her and Darry and Pony were looking at her confused too.

"Y/n why are you freaking out? We just-" I was saying when she interrupted me.
"You just sort of mailed it right to my family who will see the return address and come after me! But you know that's totally cool no problem!".

Oh shit.
I've made a huge mistake.

I looked at Steve wide eyed and he returned the same expression.
Y/n was having a mental breakdown and yelled "why the hell would you not tell me first!?".
"I'm sorry! We were just trying to do something nice, we never thought about the return address part" I stuttered the entire time, because honestly, she was scaring me right now.
Then she got up and ran out of the house.

All four of us looked at each other and Pony said "that's your problem now, you can go deal with it".
"Oh shut it horse boy" Steve said and Pony rolled his eyes but said nothing.
"C'mon" I said to Steve, "we better go after her".
He sighed, "ok" and we ran out the door.

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