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Soda POV
We were all just sitting in the living room hanging out and getting to know Y/n, when
Two-bit said "so Y/n, how does one travel here, but not have a place to stay?".
I nudged his shoulder abruptly, to which he said "ow! What's wrong with you Soda?".
I shook my head, rolling my eyes and said "nothing".
"Well, I only knew I was coming two days ago, so that might explain it" Y/n explained to him.
"How could you afford it? Did you have a job?" Darry asked and Y/n said "yeah, I was a drug dealer".

Everyone froze and looked taken aback, except Dally of course.

"I'm just kidding" Y/n said quickly realizing we thought she was serious.
Once we realized it was a joke, some of us began to laugh.
"Sorry, but no I didn't have a job. I took my parents money to get here" she said finally answering Darry's question.
"Why'd you leave anyway?" Pony asked and I glared at him.

I felt like Y/n needed to be protected, I guess. I don't really know, but the gang asking her sensitive questions was just rude and I didn't want her to get upset again like she did when telling Steve and I what had happened.

"Oh um, well-" I started, looking up and meeting eyes with Soda.

I could read his expression well.

He didn't want me to share anything I didn't want to or that made me uncomfortable, but I figured it wasn't really a big deal and I needed to get over my past anyways.
"My family was just really abusive. It's just like that sometimes ya know? But I finally got sick of it a couple days ago, so I left on a bus after school and I got here this morning" I explained to them.

Everyone, who I hadn't already told, had facial expressions of shock or sadness.
"It's ok, really" I assured them, "I'm fine now, I'm safe".

We sat around silently, and eventually everyone went home as the night went on.

Dally was the last to leave.

He came over to where I was sitting, Soda had gotten up by now and had gone to get something, so I was sitting alone.
He put his arm around me, making me a little uncomfortable because I don't really know him, so naturally I sort of leaned away from him.
He noticed this from me and leaned his mouth forward to my ear and whispered in it.

"Baby you're fine".

Soda POV
I had left Y/n in the living room for a second because Ponyboy needed help looking for his backpack.
"I found it!" He yelled victorious, pulling it out from underneath our bed.
I looked at him confused and shaking my head, but I didn't even bother asking how it possibly could have gotten there.
I left our room to return to Y/n, when I saw Dallas sitting next to her, leaning over and whispering in here ear.
She was clearly uncomfortable.
That's when my entire face turned red from anger.
I was standing in front of them in the living room, and Dally looked over at me and said "what's wrong Soda? You got a problem or something?".

"Get out" I told him with my teeth clenched.

He didn't say anything for a second, surprised at my amount of anger, but eventually sat up raising his hands defensively and said "Fine I'll leave".

The second he walked out of the door I rushed over to Y/n and sat next to her asking "are you alright?".
I hadn't seen the entire thing, so I didn't know if he had done something to her when I wasn't in the room.
"Yeah I'm fine" She responded, taking a deep breath.
"Are you sure? Did he do something when I wasn't here? You're not reacting like I thought you would and it's freaking me out!".
"What are you talking about?" she asked me.
"You're not like, freaking out? I don't know! I just expected you to be more shaken up than you are now".
"Oh" she said before going silent for a second.
"I've just learned to accept it now I guess" she told me flat out.

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