The Show Must Go On

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A/N: here's chapter 14 for ya guys

Class 1-A Classroom

As Class 1-A are sitting in their assigned seats waiting for their homeroom teacher to arrive as Halibel taps Grimmjow on the shoulder causing the light blue haired male to turn around. "Do you know where dad is"? Halibel asks as Grimmjow just shakes his head in response but just before he can say anything the door to Class 1-A's classroom opens and in steps Aizawa with his usual tired expression on his face."Alright as you may know the sports festival is coming up". Aizawa explains however Izumi raises her hand and stands up as she asks."Mr Aizawa is that really wise"? Aizawa lets out a heavy sigh as he replies."Its necessary to demonstrate that U.A's crisis management protocols are sound. That's the thinking apparently. However compared to years there will be five times the police presence. Anyhow our sports festival is the greatest opportunity you'll get".

Grimmjow lets out a low chuckle that only Nel and Halibel can hear causing both females to roll their eyes at their boyfriends antics. The day continues as normal and as Grimmjow, Halibel and Nel attempt to leave the room they saw that there was a large crowd standing outside their classroom."What's this all about"? Nel questions as a voice calls out."We came to see what the oh so amazing Class 1-A is all about, and I've gotta say that I'm very disappointed at what I see". As the person who the voice belonged to stepped forward and they saw a male with messy indigo coloured hair that seems to flare out into large tufts. The male has dark purple eyes with white pupils and are thin and somewhat triangular in shape with very dark bags under his eyes. Grimmjow stepped forward as he grabbed the boy by his collar and lifted him up off the ground and replied."Want to repeat that"? Grimmjow's tone is cold as he gives the indigo haired male a gaze full of anger however the indigo haired male didn't flinch as a small smile appears on his face as he asked."Can you put me down"? Grimmjow quickly replies."Nope I kinda like you where you are".The indigo haired male then retorts in a fairly commanding tone."Put me down". Grimmjow just echoes."Nope I kinda like you where you are". The indigo haired male looks shocked as Grimmjow chuckles as he remarked."You seem to be in a difficult situation, I'll let you go if you give a sincere apology to Class 1-A".

The indigo haired male nods as he apologised to Class 1-A, Grimmjow throws the male on the floor as he says."Next time you try something like this again just remember that your quirk will not work on everyone". Grimmjow steps over the male as he made his way back to Class 1-A's dorm room with Nel and Halibel doing the same as they give the indigo haired male a disgusted glare on there way. 

Class 1-A Dorm

Grimmjow is sitting on one of the couches in the dorm with an annoyed expression on his face with Halibel and Nel sitting either side of him. Nel moves from sitting next to Grimmjow as she is now sitting on the light blue haired male's lap, she faces him as she then places her hands lightly his shoulders and asks."You okay Grimm"? Grimmjow didn't reply except he kisses Nel on the lips, the two separate from the kiss quickly with the light blue haired male saying."I am now Nel, just slightly irked about that kid earlier". Nel smiles at her boyfriend however her smile quickly turns into a sly smirk as she leans towards one of Grimmjow's ears and whispers in a slightly sultry voice."You want to go and relieve some tension in your room"? Grimmjow's expression quickly changes from one of happiness to one of minor shock but he never said a word except he just stood up with Nel wrapping her legs around his waist and the two left for Grimmjow's room.

"Where are those two going"? A voice asks with Halibel turning towards the voice only to see Momo standing next to the couch."Oh those two have gone to Grimm's room to have some fun". Halibel replies with Momo looking confused for a second however after a second of thinking about it a massive blush appears on Momo's face causing Halibel to let out a short giggle as she gestures for Momo to sit next to her. Momo complies as she sat rather close to Halibel causing the blonde haired female to look at Momo with a confused look."Sitting rather close aren't you"? However Momo didn't reply except a small surge of courage filled the long black haired female as she turned her gaze to Halibel and smashes her lips into hers.

Halibel's eyes go wide however she closes them and deepens the kiss between the girls. After a minute of the two females kissing they had to separate for air."Wow didn't expect that from you Momo". Halibel smirked as Momo replies, though she was panting slightly heavily."I didn't expect that from myself either but I just wanted to see how it would feel to do something like that". Halibel nods as she adds."I understand since that's how myself and Nel started off, we just wanted to see how it would feel. But I'll say it again, I'll only go at your pace I only want you to be comfortable". Momo nods however before she could reply a pair of muscular arms loosely wrapped around her shoulders with a slightly deep voice saying."I know the relationship that we have isn't exactly normal but like Halibel said we only wish for you to be comfortable. If there is ever a time in this relationship that you feel uncomfortable just tell us and we will stop what ever it is that is causing you discomfort". Momo and Halibel look up to see Grimmjow behind Momo with a warm and loving smile on his face, Momo's blush from earlier returned but this time it was only a small blush. Momo then leaned up and lightly kissed Grimmjow on the cheek as she replied."I know Grimmjow its one of the many reason I love you, Nel and Halibel". Halibel smirks and asks."Finished already Grimm, you usually last longer than that". Grimmjow laughs as he gives Halibel a quick kiss as he replies."Oh I've got plenty left just gotta get a drink first".

A/N: and that concludes chapter 14 for ya guys, hopefully ya guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see ya in the next chapter.

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